MIT Admissions Fall 2022

Does a good interview help? Does a mediocre interview hurt? What happens if a student who is offered an interview ends up not interviewing (based on conflicts), is that an automatic denial? Seems like MIT over all other top schools seems to “require” interviews? Or is it a service to the students? Seems like most select schools like to think of the interview as an outreach/yield opportunity more than an admission gate.

Good interview help, while the extent of that help can’t be determined. Mediocre interview does not necessarily hurt. It depends on how you define a “mediocre interview”. It would not be an automatic denial, but the chance would decrease since it’s a demonstration of disinterest. The statistic also suggests that declining an interview offer is a disservice. Interviews serve as both purposes that you just described. Admissions & yield.

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  • “Does a good interview help?”
  • “Does a mediocre interview hurt?”
    i know a student who prepared for the interview but still felt horrible as some of the interview questions totally unexpected, but this student still got in early action. so it is all about your application package, essays, and rec letters.
  • “What happens if a student who is offered an interview ends up not interviewing (based on conflicts)”
    there is nothing good can come out if no show or decline to an interview offer.

On reddit, some people are reporting that they can see “award” tab in their financial aid portal, while others are not able to see it. The portal says award tab is only available after the decisions are released, but apparently it seems like some people already have them (if they are being honest). I don’t personally like these kinds of portal inference thing but it’s weird for me that only some people have it. Does anyone here see award tab in their financial aid portal?

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Please note that I am not trying to start or make any unfounded assertions based on this indicator. I just want to see if anyone have it also.

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My kid doesn’t have it.

Okay thanks for the response.

Are they talking about this tab in the upper right corner? I think everyone has that and it is just part of the financial aid portal.

It’s MIT.

I don’t think portal astrology of any kind works.

Besides, awards may appear if their fin aid is approved which may or may not have to do anything with admissions decision.

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No they have separate links for awards.

Yes I am inclined to your opinion and was just wondering why some people had it.

Lets assume and wish they are accepted :grinning:

then I have to assume that I am rejected :slight_smile:

I do not have it either.

Did they post a picture of it on Reddit?

It’s really stressful to wait as the decision day approaches. I want to know it quickly regardless of whether I am accepted or not.


They didn’t show me the picture of it, but they did show what pops up when they click the award button. 404 error appeared. I sent a private chat to them to ask if I can see what that button looks like.

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I would advise you to not fret over it. Decision is just 10 days away. It creates unwanted stress.

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Okay, by the way do you see it?

I’m going to assume that all applicants would not be naive enough to believe that portal astrology exists at MIT. To that end, move the conversation forward, please.

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Naive or not, I wouldn’t have guessed my kid wouldn’t have been able to submit their application two hours before the deadline, and this happened. Turned out to be something on their end. Even MIT can make errors. :woman_shrugging:t2: