Mixed-gender dorm rooms available at Berkeley and Riverside

<p>Mixed-gender</a> dorm rooms are gaining acceptance - latimes.com</p>

<p>Participating schools include UC Riverside, UC Berkeley, Stanford, Cornell, Dartmouth, Sarah Lawrence, Haverford, Wesleyan and the University of Michigan.</p>

<p>Yeeeea Haverford. lol love that school.</p>

<p>cool, maybe you’ll be able to see a bra or two</p>

<p>no girl in their right mind would dorm with a “piece of work” like lakerforever24</p>

<p>o nooos my internets friends don’t like me. oh noos</p>

<p>To actually respond to the article, I like this option. I agree with the quote in the middle that said that college students are adults and should be able to room with whomever they would like. I mean if I had a close friend (that was a girl) at Berkeley, for example, I wouldn’t mind rooming with her at all. Also, I think it provides a new and more comfortable option for the LGBT community and also allows boyfriends and girlfriends to room together. We’re all (well nearly all) 18 and older, so I see nothing wrong with this.</p>

<p>I think it’s a legitimate option, and one that really should be offered. Props to UCB and UCR for spear-heading this one in the UC system.</p>

<p>yeah it seems like a free pass for getting laid.</p>

<p>college experimenting done right.</p>

<p>i think most people will quickly realize that the people they’re hoping would use this option are never the ones that do…</p>

<p>p.s. i like you lakerforever24</p>

<p>Yeah lol, that’s exactly what I meant. Well said jane.</p>

<p>MantisTobaggan, its pretty obvious. maybe u would benefit from traditional same -sex dorming hahahaha</p>

<p>I don’t get it. Is that a homo joke? I love those</p>

<p>I think Laker is a pretty cool guy. eh ■■■■■■ site and doesnt afraid of anything…</p>

<p>“I don’t get it. Is that a homo joke? I love those”</p>

<p>i dont know why but i lol’d hard at this</p>

<p>@mantis: thanks man, lets get a room together at berkeley</p>

<p>He loves being called a flaming h0m0sexual.</p>

<p>If I did mix gender, my luck I will end up with some fat, ugly, liberal chick. Better to stick with tradition.</p>

<p>goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood one</p>

<p>@xelink I know, laker is so daring. He types with fearless abandon. He, lionhearted, posts on forums anonymously, not out of fear, for he is humble. If he weren’t a laker, I would call him a warrior, a king…</p>

<p>a clipper…</p>

<p>ohhhh my gawd! Empathy in Anarchy, I like your style. I have been off of this thing for a while and I come back to petty banter, but your post actually brought a smile to my face…buy you a beer?</p>