<p>Hi, my husband is searching for schools to transfer to for EP, and has heard mixed reviews. We have heard the professors at UCSD are not actually very good teachers and are more interested in their research. Is there any truth to this? Is this a good school for him to finish his B.S degree? Thanks for reading!</p>
<p>Who did you hear that from? It sounds like they have no idea what they’re talking about. I’d say the professors at UCSD are pretty awesome overall.</p>
<p>That is good to hear. He was looking forward to applying but we didn’t know what to make of those comments. Thanks!</p>
<p>I think with any school you’re going to have some professors who are really great and some professors who aren’t. The vast majority of my professors were fantastic, and a handful were okay, not necessarily because they were too focused on their research but because I didn’t really like how they taught the class.</p>
<p>I think the important part, though, is that all of my professors cared about the class and about their students, regardless of how much I liked their teaching style or philosophies. But I also took care to take professors who had good reputations and reviews.</p>
<p>Thanks for the input. I’m sorry I didn’t see it sooner!</p>