MM. Vanilla ice cream is so yummy :) Chance me please

<p>20more: How do you begin writing your essays late July if the topics aren’t even out until August 1st?</p>

<p>To OP: I don’t know why everyone’s going OH NW LITTLE CHANCE, because in my school people with round about your credentials, a little better and a little worse, have gotten in. And yes, we are all Asian international students.</p>

<li>Common app essay topics do not change. </li>
<li>You can start “why this college” early by searching college websites (or college review books, or college brochures)</li>
<li>Many colleges do not change their essay topics. Search them!</li>

<p>There are many college essay help books. Get them and read through them. It will help!</p>

<p>Hey guys thanks for the feedback.
Yeah I’m planning to start my college essay soon as summer vacation starts. Its what I hope to do during break other than research.
Any more random chancers out there by any chance?

<p>jhkmyun: I don’t necessarily agree with your choice. My sister started her college essays early (as in after the essays came out), and she did them on a regular basis, perhaps an hour a week or two, and she finished with PLENTY of time to spare. I do not believe it is a wise choice to sacrifice your summer vacation with college essays. Interning is fine; you can also think about taking a course or two at a university, though I believe it’s too late now. But I think it is a stupid mistake to waste your summer vacation as such when you don’t even know exactly what colleges are asking. Sure, you can begin to brainstorm the generic essays, but don’t waste your days.</p>

<p>“I do not believe it is a wise choice to sacrifice your summer vacation with college essays.”
Agree but strat early!</p>

<p>Oh oh thanks again for the feedback.
I meant I was going to start early but I didn’t mean I was going to spend the bulk of my summer doing that. No the bulk of it would probably be at the research center and the rest trying to prep for next years cross country or studying. I was just going to spend a little bit of time here and there and start brainstorming come june.
Anyways thanks so much for the replies. :)</p>


<p>Both of these schools are hard to get into period. However, all of your scores are definitely high enough to get yo in. If you could do some research over the summer and enter competitions in september your chances would increase drastically.</p>