MMSS Application

<p>Is there a way to type up the MMSS Application? Also what sorta stuff did u guys put? Thanks.</p>

<p>Go here to convert a pdf into a word file
[Convert</a> pdf to word - Convert pdf to doc - Convert online pdf to word](<a href=“]Convert”></p>

<p>I applied. Anyone else on CC?</p>

<p>i applied too…when do we find out if we get into MMSS</p>

<p>i applied. are u both from illiniois?</p>

<p>schin721, they sent me a confirmation email that basically says “if we get into NU, they will tell us if we got MMSS a week or two after”</p>

<p>however, i think that if you get into NU and applied on time for MMSS, you’re pretty much into the program. but don’t quote me on that. anyone wanna clarify?</p>

<p>see if i get in…i want to do mmss and menu but i heard it can be really hard to manage and difficult classes</p>

<p>I applied</p>

<p>after remembering that it was due</p>

<p>within two hours.</p>

<p>yep, applied…and given the number of people already in this small sample who applied to the program and the fact that the program seems to self-select relatively stronger applicants to NU in general, my guess is that there will be at least some people who are accepted to NU but not to MMSS.</p>