model u.n.

<p>yeah, it is private..and i am expecting to pay everything on my own...but i just want to know, if i am "not allowed" to sign up for conferences b/c of people limits..</p>

<p>yeah there are limits. like i know the really big conference in NYC in May only takes 30 per school, around 15 delegates per country. if you have more delegates, then you might end up being paired with people from another school.</p>

<p>okay, so basically it just depends on the separate conferences?</p>

<p>yeah pretty much</p>

<p>If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I'm more than willing to help. =]</p>

<p>And to correct what another said, you get really into debate and then get notes from those hitting on others. And then partake in both winning and some fun. =]</p>

<p>yeah...those conferences are intense. i personally don't like the awards system because i think its biased. at the may conference there's a guy who works on the committee every year who went to some school called father judge, and every year that school wins the best school award! its soooo annoying because they suck and its obvious that there were better schools. not to mention that the awards make everyone so overly competitve and people become more concerned about being sponsors of resolutions so that they look good and stand a chance for an award than they are on the issues. don't get me wrong, i get awards at every conference so thats always a plus for college, but i just think it takes away from the experience.</p>

<p>oh okay...thanks....:)
so for me to start a model u.n. at school, would it be best to first pick a conference to go to?</p>

<p>im on the secretariat for model UN at my school. have attended 14 or 15 conferences both high school and college level and have been fairly successful. if you have any specific questions or just want an overview...go ahead an PM me! sorry just too lazy to type it up now if no one will read it haha. ill be glad to help.</p>

<p>eh, how do you pm someone?</p>

<p>Left click on his/her name. Right side, a "Contact information" box should be there. Click the one that says PM, and that'll bring you to your PM box.</p>

<p>Alternatively, scroll all the way up, and on the right hand side, there should be a grey box. Click on the Private Messages link.</p>

<p>=] And don't be discouraged if the group is small. When my school discontinued Model UN my sophomore year, a bunch of friends/fellow MUN fans and I went to UNA-USA on our own (registered, explained our situation, etc.). It was awesome.</p>

<p>Hey guys,
I am actually beginning the Model UN at my school in this upcoming year. Any advice, guidance, or sites which will help me make the Model UN at my school successful, and fun for all its members?</p>

<p>Figure out what 'big' conferences are around you. Team up with other schools and practice/research like crazy. It's not fun. But, try to lighten it up with desert breakfasts (everyone bakes!) and stuff like buzzwords/prizes for good speeches during practice. Feel free to get into contact with me. I'll definitely try to help! =]</p>

<p>Thanks! I really appreciate. I'll definitely PM you soon!</p>

<p>team up with other schools?? like do you sign up for the same conference and ask for the same country or smt?</p>

<p>Hey, I was just wondering, what is there to pay for in Model UN fees? Is there a registration fee? If so, around how much is it usually? Thanks, this thread is very helpful :).</p>

<p>I wish my school did not give up on our Model Un. I think I will revitalize the dead one we used to have.</p>

<p>Lu Jinny: For conferences, there are fees. For registration and everything. And let me just say they're A LOT. It depends on the conference. But the bigger ones (like the ones mentioned here including NAIMUN) have large fees. Added with the cost of transportation, each kid and chaperones. It's a lot.</p>

yeah...those conferences are intense. i personally don't like the awards system because i think its biased. at the may conference there's a guy who works on the committee every year who went to some school called father judge, and every year that school wins the best school award! its soooo annoying because they suck and its obvious that there were better schools. not to mention that the awards make everyone so overly competitve and people become more concerned about being sponsors of resolutions so that they look good and stand a chance for an award than they are on the issues. don't get me wrong, i get awards at every conference so thats always a plus for college, but i just think it takes away from the experience.


<p>ahahahah we're famous</p>

<p>mike imbrenda ftw</p>