Mom of a Current MT Student at U Mich. Feel free to reach out with any questions

Hi all! If you have any questions about auditions, Ann Arbor, travel, the program, housing or whatever - feel free to reach out to me!

As with all “Ask Me Anything” threads, all students/parents/alum/staff are welcome to chime in to answer questions.

would love to ask some questions
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What are the general education requirements for BFA MT majors? On the website UM requires around 87 units in the major with a requirement of 124 units total to graduate. Can the rest of the units (above the 87) be in theatre electives? Or are there other general education requirements to complete? I can’t find information on the UM website.

On her student account it says 124 Units of coursework is required for graduation; and 30 units of non coursework

I believe they must do 1 Gen Ed per semester. She did a Writing class 1st sem, and a Playwriting 2nd sem. 1 term of American History is required to graduate (note that none of the college classes she took at college while in high school (Move On When Ready program) or any AP classes were accepted at Michigan).

Freshmen schedules are pretty much planned out. Required classes include: Ballet (test into levels), Music Theory Lecture with Brent Wagner, Intro to Music Theory Lab, Styles Dance, Piano (test into levels), Voice Lab and Private Voice.

@DrowsyChaperone, thank you! Also, how hard is it to keep up in the Michigan gen ed classes having the rigorous schedule of a BFA student? I’m guessing you’re still required to keep up to Michigan’s high academic standards even if you’re rehearsing until 11pm! Does your D have any opinion about how hard the gen ed classes are as a rule? And no AP credit is a bummer!

@MTdreamin - I suppose if you test out on APs with 5’s then they would count, but they didn’t with 3’s or 4’s. But I was really surprised that the college credits from a real college didn’t transfer…surprised, but not complaining :slight_smile:

Honestly, the life of a musical theatre kid is already so different from a regular kid. I think that having a super busy schedule in high school … balancing school, with theatre, with dance, voice, acting lessons, with extra-curriculars, with a social life, oh, and with AUDITIONING around the country your senior year! … all of that was much more grueling than daily college life. They go in pretty disciplined already! Her grades really haven’t suffered at all.

Though they have early morning ballet classes, their daily schedule gives lots breaks to get homework done. Plus she picked Gen Ed classes that she was really interested in!

The hardest part of all was the adjustment to college life during the 6 weeks of school. She got very sick from getting no sleep, but that’s college for ya! And no matter how often as a parent you tell them to “get some sleep,” when a party is calling their name, they go! (From what they were told, freshman year is the time to get it out of your system and from here on out the focus is on work.)

They eventually learn that their bodies can’t take the abuse. And thankfully Michigan is really into their health and maintaining it - both physical and mental. They have a baseline physical testing on balance, strength, musculoskeletal system, and even get their vocal chords scoped. Then they are monitored throughout the years. Kind of like an athlete!

@DrowsyChaperone-thanks so much for the info. That was really helpful! Wishing you and your daughter well as she finishes her freshman year!

Just chiming in the history requirement - it can be American history or World history. My freshman daughter just finished up a 300 level course on the French Revolution. (She’s a big reader…) There is also two semesters of language required. We love it! They want to produce well rounded educated kids as well as triple threat performers. We love their philosophy and it really was our number one choice for that reason.

Hey I’m a current junior high school student living abroad and I had a couple of questions about the resources that you used for the audition process. I have a drama teacher, a dance instructor, a potential vocal teacher, and experience of more than 12 shows at my school. What can I do to further grow my self for the audition process? Should I take more classes? Is there a process most MT’s auditioning for college go through? My entire family is new to this so any information would help. If you would prefer email you can contact me through (

@MarcustheThird it sounds like you are doing everything right. Although I would get started on vocal training as soon as possible. If you are interested in Michigan I would also reach out to the MT department and ask specifically how to apply as an international student. I know they have several in the program but I don’t know the particulars of how or where they auditioned. Although it is not necessary to use a coach (and many students are accepted without one), and audition coach can really help with the selection of material (vocal cuts, monologue selection,etc.) and make sure that you have material that is uniquely you and not overdone. There are two coaching companies that are highly recommended that you can Skype with from abroad. One is MTCA (my daughter used this one) and the other is Mary Anna Dennard. You can google them - I cannot include links in a CC post. I can only speak about MTCA but Drowsy chaperone could give you info on Mary Anna. MTCA is wonderful and supportive and can be used ala carte so you can sign up for sessions in areas that you only need help with. In our case, we used them primarily for acting instruction. They offer everything from advice on school selection through the audition process. Enjoy your high school years and best of luck!

@MarcustheThird - Yes to everything @singoutlouise said! I do know that the international student in our kids’ class auditioned on campus, and he also auditioned at other campuses, too. Maybe make one trip here and wrap it around Unifieds auditions?

And yes, there is most definitely a process that you go through to audition for the programs! You need to apply academically to each school. Then most require that you send in a videotaped prescreen audition for the MT program. The school’s website typically update each summer and will tell you what they want you to submit - like 16 bars of a classic song and a 1 minute contemporary monologue - Check the websites for each program! If you pass prescreen then you will get an invitation to audition live for the school. A coach like Mary Anna Dennard or MTCA will help you navigate the audition process.

If you can swing it I would do a summer program during your sophomore and junior years. Baldwin Wallace MT Overtures is excellent and very selective. Also, Michigan’s MPulse and Texas State’s Nexxus are great ways to meet the faculty and explore the campus.

I would also recommend keeping your grades up for the bigger universities, adding some AP or advanced courses to show rigor. Grades don’t tend to matter as much for conservatories (Baldwin Wallace or CCM) like they do for Michigan, Northwestern, Penn State, etc. I would pursue interests OUTSIDE the theatre. Michigan tends to like very well-rounded students, not people whose lives are solely about the theatre. I would also take piano and guitar - and lots of ballet! :slight_smile:

With all of that preparation then you just give it your best and hope that you are what they are wanting in that particular year. A lot of it is luck! That’s why they call them “lottery schools” - because getting into the program is indeed like winning the lottery. Cast a wide net. (My daughter auditioned for 17 programs) But being prepared will give you the confidence to shine at your auditions!

Hi! I’m a parent of a rising senior who’s applying to MT colleges this Fall. Michigan is on her list. My question is if you used Mary Anna Dennard as a college coach? Trying to decide if we’re going to use a coach and who to use. We met Mary Anna at a Broadway Dreams intensive and she seemed very knowledgeable but others have suggester MTCA as well. Would love your feedback on your experience with her if you did use her services.

Also, in your experience does Michigan expect their students to be Broadway ready when auditioning? I didn’t get that impression from hearing one of the MT professors speak. They obviously want talented kids but also want someone they see potential in and that they can teach. Also, do you get paired up with a roommate in the MT major or another major? Daughter is worried about getting put with someone who doesn’t have the same type of crazy schedule as MT kids. At NYU they choose your roommates for you and they’re all from different majors. Thanks for any feedback!

@frisbee3 - Hi there! We used Mary Anna, and my D was one of 3 of her kids to get in that year. Others used MTCA like SingOutLouise, and I’m sure there was a few that used no coach at all. I liked Mary Anna because of her Moonified auditions. Auditioning for 25+ schools in early November (and getting great feedback) really boosted confidence and made the “big” auditions easier. But, I think other coaches do similar private auditions as well. I think having a coach is good, but is not a necessity. When it comes to acceptances it’s truly all about what the schools are wanting that particular year.

For roommates - you pick your own at U Mich. The kids communicate on a FB page - introducing themselves and then messaging each other to see if there’s a connection. My D went outside her major so that it would expand her friend-circle! Because they live on North Campus that means the dorms there are mostly SMTD and Engineering students. My daughter had a wonderful roommate who is a vocal performance major. It really worked out well!

And do they expect students to be Bway ready?? - the answer is a no. I believe they want kids who they like and want to work with. In my experience they tend to pick well-rounded kids who have a lot of outside interests. Looking at the current classes, one writes a magazine, one has her own tutoring company, many are composers and book writers, one is a concert pianist, etc. Well-rounded is key.

If you have any more questions or want to see any of my notes just shoot me an email! :slight_smile:

This was on their old website, but I had saved it!


Someone who…has intellectual curiosity, imagination, initiative, discipline and recognizable talent.

Someone who…is prepared, ambitious, confident, flexible, and is clearly a team-player.

Someone who…is comfortable with their body shape and likes the way they look - shows physical confidence.

Someone who…can communicate very specific ideas and choices in dialogue/lyrics, music, and dance.

Someone who…sings the correct notes, rhythms and words, with a clear sense of pitch, an understanding of musical line, and a healthy approach that doesn’t push the voice higher than is appropriate. In addition, applicants should have music reading skills, especially at the piano.

Someone who…is committed to acting as the basis of all training, and is passionate about working in plays, television and film, in addition to musical theatre.

Someone who…appreciates and takes pride in the artistic growth of fellow students.

Someone who…has interests beyond the arts, and is engaged in understanding the world at large.

Someone who…is excited to find ways in which the arts can impact and enrich modern culture.

Someone who…has done his/her homework about the Department and the University by reading the website and official publications and by speaking with faculty, students, School officials, and graduates ----- rather than relying only on internet opinions or YouTube postings.

Someone who…is committed to a university environment and has thought carefully about the reasons for pursuing a BFA degree at a university rather than a conservatory.

Thank you so much! I’ll be in touch if I have more questions

Dear DrowsyChaperone,

First I love your name! My daughter is only a sophomore, but SMTD is definitely on the top of her list. What types of activities other than MT was your daughter involved with. Between training, rehearsals and school, it is difficult to fit much in. ?. Since my daughter heads to Interlochen next year we did just sign up for Moo’s workshop at U of M in the fall.

@InterlochenMom if you want them to get notified you need to put the @ symbol and their name like this @DrowsyChaperone :slight_smile:

@InterlochenMom - Hi! Yes, very hard to find time for anything outside of theatre! My D just tried to hold leadership positions whenever possible (president of thespian troupe). We used Moo but didn’t do any of the master classes. I don’t feel that those give you a leg-up to getting in, but it does make you comfortable with Mark Madama (but you may not end up auditioning for him anyway!) Honestly, just do the best you can to be well-trained, get good grades, be involved and be well-rounded. Have other interests outside of theatre. Other than that, it’s truly just having a great audition package, being the “type” that they are looking for at that time, and just plain luck. <3

Thank you!!!

@DrowsyChaperone you are so kind to offer any advice. I’m sure you remember what it is like to be on this side of the aisle. All great advice. I hope your daughter is happy with her decision and goes on to do great things! ?

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Thank you, this thread has been so helpful! Really great to learn about the academic requirements and options. Would love to hear more about the culture of Michigan’s MT program in general. Just, any details - what’s loved and not loved are so appreciated.