more A-s than As

<p>is it bad if i have more A-s than As in the <em>hardest</em> classes possible for soph and jr year? my soph and jr year GPA is 3.80. my school doesn't do weighting. i want to go to HYPS and my SAT is a 2310. I've taken 12 classes these two years and have gotten 7 A-s and 5 As. If i do weigh my sophmore and jr year grades it would be about a 4.55. My school is a well-known large competitive suburban public school</p>

<p>yea it means youre going to community college</p>

<p>gr, now i'm sad</p>

<p>your grades and SAT scores certainly make you competetive for virtually any school. From heere, more subjective factors like awards, EC's, essays, interviews, etc. will start to play more of a determining role. Do not worry about your grades.</p>

<p>Wow, I'm almost in the same boat as you!</p>

<p>3.8 uw and 4.55 w?????</p>

<p>You are MORE than fine!!!</p>

<p>this grade inflation guy makes so many threads like this; I think he is a troll.</p>

<p>Grade Inflation guy -
What is your class rank?
Does your school profile clearly state that the school does not weight AP and honors classes?
Are the AP and honors classes flagged on your transcript?
Would your guidance counselor report that you have taken the most challenging classes offered at your school?
I think you are going to be all right.</p>

<p>But you had better take that SAT again and see if you can't get a 2320.