<p>Is there any other scholarships or financial help for the average student, average athlete, middle-income family of 6 (actually 5, because the oldest is 21, but still at home). I can't believe how much they want a year for my son to further his education. This is our first to go off to college. I need a lot of advice. I am really nervous about $17,000 a year for 4 years !!!! How do you do it? Thanks for any help, advice. I know this is a little late too. Is there things he can do to help for the next year?</p>
<p>there are several threads about affordable colleges
One of the most important things that can be done, is picking a list with affordable schools.
Our daughter had a list of 5 schools-
one out of state public that offered merit aid ( she was above their average stats- & if your child is ready for college- they are above some schools stats* somewhere* )
3 in state public schools, one that offered merit aid
and one out of state prvate school, that met 100% need, no merit aid.
While she attended the private school, because she was offered a good package, she would have been fine with the instate public school.</p>
<p>TO answer your next question
Students can take work study, during the school year, mine earned money for personal expenses and books this way.
A good work study job, will also give experience to get a good summer job, with some hard searching, you can find something that will allow you to put $3,000 towards tuition.
At the same time, even one community college, class taken each summer toward your graduation requirements, will save time and money during the school year.
Some students also need to take a year off here or there, to concentrate on building their college savings.
LOts of ideas out there, and many middle class students with middle scores and stats, do get through college.
Ours did it! :)</p>
<p>to echo emraldkity4's reasoning. Don't look at $17 K as a one number. Break it down. Reasonable summer job + some loan + PT campus job will very easily get about 10 k. Also, when the kid is away - he is not costing you. I am sure, he costs you at least 1.5-2k/yr. So now you have to worrly about 5-6 K/year.</p>
I assume you've applied for financial aid using the FAFSA? Is your EFC $17,000? If he is at a private school that's probably sort of a normal amount...</p>
<p>Thanks for the advice, puts my mind at ease a little. I guess he does cost me some while he's home. He always played sports and kept his grades up so we didn't push him getting a job while he was in high school. We helped with gas money and "taco bell". He knows he's working next summer and is going to look for something on campus too. It's just so crazy to think how much in debt he's going to be when he's finished. He's going to a public school and I'm talking to more and more people who say the $17,000 is pretty normal. This is all new to us and I really appreciate the help. I'm glad I found this site to answer a lot of my questions.</p>
<p>Total debt of 20-25 K - cost of a new car is not unreasonable at all.</p>