More Math Teachers

<p>Does anyone have feedback on Weihua Geng or Pu Wang? Especially for Calc III. D didn’t see anything on Rate My Professors.</p>

<p>The name Pu Wang sounds familar…I’ll ask my sons.</p>

<p>Can either of you previous posters shed light on these teachers?
Bethsmom: which section did your D sign up for? Did she decide on Calc III after all? My S is actually trying to get into different section for Calc III, but no seats (maxed at 44, and unlikely to add more seats) - just tried this am during BB session…</p>

<p>Here’s a little feedback on Pu Wang: <a href=""></a></p>

<p>Note: CC won’t accept the above link. Try on your own at ******* dot com.</p>

<p>OK, I get it, lol. This mystery site gave Wang 3 stars out of 5, based on 3 student ratings. “A little hard to understand.”</p>

<p>Weihua Geng got his doctorate from Michigan State, the finest university in Michigan. :). Here’s a single rating from his MSU days: " Wahoo is the man! This is THE guy to take for calc 2. I’m ■■■■■■■■ and I have 3.5 going into the final exam…You could write down the limit as n—> Mars and get partial credit. WAHOOO"</p>

<p>Source: <a href=""></a></p>

<p>Again, CC won’t accept this link. It’s also at ******* dot com.</p>

<p>Oh well, the one student rating (5 stars)/comment speaks for itself.</p>

<p>Yeah, I know. It’s the best I could find (sigh).</p>

<p>Aeromom, my D ended up taking Calc 2 with Evans.</p>

<p>No info on your profs, but DS took Calc II with Evans. He liked him so much he took him for Calc III also. DS said he’s a GREAT teacher! It was not easy, but he pulled an A in both.</p>

<p>^^yeah, I’m a data junkie, so 1-3 student responses do not a good sample make. I take all w/ heavy shaker of salt (preferably on a margarita rim…). Also, I’ve warned my S to be careful to look at only Calc III responses, because someone who is taking Calc I is probably a vastly different student to someone who has progressed further w/ math at this point. </p>

<p>Any additional comments about math teachers are welcome. As someone suggested somewhere, no need to name names and get personal about bad experiences - just general advice is sought here. Thanks.</p>



<p>Couldn’t agree with you more. Especially about the margarita.</p>

<p>The comment on Dr. Geng tells you all you need to know about the quality of the “data” that is out there on some of these profs. What’s the old saying? Garbage in, garbage out.</p>

<p>On the other hand, my comment about Michigan State is based on unassailable, objective data of the highest order. :)</p>

<p>Yes, my kids liked Martin Evans, too. Also, Bruce Trace, David Halpern, Shan Zhao, Jim Gleason, Hadji, and some others.</p>

<p>Jim Gleason is amazing. He doesn’t just teach the how, but the “why”. He’s Bama’s “go to” prof for developing the future high school math teachers of America…because that’s a huge need. </p>

<p>Halpern and Trace are, well, super geniuses. Taking their classes can be like taking a grad class. Excellent profs, but wow, hard.</p>

<p>My D is registered for MA112 with Jim Gleason. It is the only math she needs to take and it should be an easy class for her as it is below her actual math placement. I just hope he isn’t a prof who will make the class harder than it needs to be. His reviews were pretty good.</p>

<p>MA 112 is standard throughout The University as kids all do the same homework, quizzes, and tests via the Math Lab. The only influence the prof has is in teaching the material in the lecture class. </p>

<p>And this isn’t meant to be bigoted in any way. But with a last name like Gleason at least your daughter should be able to understand the Prof in the lecture session. The same cannot be said with all other profs.</p>