More UW researchers in trouble

<p>Second time in as many weeks where UW researchers are making bad news:</p>

<p>Prosecutor</a> to consider charges in UW sheep deaths -</p>

<p>But you have to actually DO research to have issues with any of it. And bad news is a matter of opinion. The research plan was approved by the granting agency. A radical animal rights group found an obscure law that was not meant to apply to this situation and are getting some mileage out of it. The state can change the law giving an exemption for research uses and make this moot.</p>

<p>Uva has a much more interesting case going with actual potential for proving research fraud.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Countering a factual account by a reputable newspaper of a real crime with a right wing blog’s opinion of an imagined one? You can do better than that, barrons.</p>

<p>I don’t disagree that PETA is radical, but they didn’t make the finding that there was a crime here – a judge did.</p>

<p>University legal counsel explains that it is believed that the intent of the law is to prevent the use of a decompression chamber to euthanize stray or abandoned animals.</p>

<p>Read more here:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Time for some disclosure, nova. Why the blank are you wasting your time researching stuff on UW? Don’t you have a life? Signs of mental illness here- an obsession with negative UW info.</p>

<p>There was no finding of a “crime” at this point. Just a basis for more investigation. This will not even be a footnote in UW’s history.</p>

<p>[University</a> administration’s statement regarding Circuit Court ruling on submarine rescue studies (June 3, 2010)](<a href=“]University”>University administration’s statement regarding Circuit Court ruling on submarine rescue studies)</p>

<p>A quick browse shows nova has/had a couple kids go to UVA…But as far as I could tell nova isn’t preoccupied with all peer schools, just Madison. </p>

<p>It’s not that nova is always wrong, it’s that (s)he always take an anti-UW stance. Always. And, as expected, any information (s)he digs up is consistently negative about UW. </p>

<p>I didn’t see any posts at other school pages on CC with an agenda, so I’m also curious what the problem is. Even at the UVA site, nova nitpicks others’ comments (esp. when barrons comments) and is typically biased, but this obsession with UW is unusual.</p>

<p>Of course university counsel is going to take the position that it didn’t think its researchers were violating the law. University counsel represent the university. The Dane County DA, on the other hand, is reported by the Tribune as concluding that a crime was likely committed but that he wouldn’t prosecute because of limited resources. That’s when PETA jumped in – to make sure the law was enforced. </p>

<p>I’m not a fan of PETA, but I’m not a fan of unnecessarily or illegally killing sheep either. And I do think that two reports in as many weeks of UW researchers possibily straying out of bounds is troubling. Others are free to disagree.</p>

<p>And, not that it matters, but as I’ve said before I’m a she. :)</p>

<p>If it’s a crime to improve the health and safety of US service people the UW will have public opinion on its side. Many stupid things were crimes at one time and changed when the reason for the law was clarified or eliminated. This was a law made with one goal in mind that did not foresee other possible sets of facts. So it will be changed and poof, no crime.</p>

<p>I find it funny that Nova did not make any remarks back addressing her “obssession” with UW. She must realize how truly pathetic her life is as she sits on her computer searching for information that portrays UW in a negative light. No one cares to listen to your arguments, but yet you still feel the need to continue doing what you do on a daily basis on this board. Unfortunately, just by writing this comment I am just fueling the fire that Nova runs off of. She feeds off the negative attention and I am sure cannot wait to get off of work so she can run home and jump on these threads. The sick pleasure that you recieve from getting other people riled up on here just goes to show what a waste your life must be. Do everyone a favor and once and for all just leave this discussion board, your input is not wanted here, nor is it needed. Go find something else to do like donate boatloads of cash to the almighty U of Virginia.</p>

<p>Don’t Feed The ■■■■■■!</p>

<p>^You’re right, we’re all forgetting this! No wonder there’s an obesity epidemic among the ■■■■■ population; we all cave in a feed them! D:</p>

<p>You know what’s most funny? It’s the fact that there’s three adults (50s most likely) all arguing via the internet on a college forum like a bunch of school girls. tehe</p>

<p>Well, for one people in their 50’s probably know more about the topic. And it’s still a free country. Some people find colleges very interesting. Beats collecting stamps.</p>



<p>I’m sorry, but I find it funny you say this in the same breath as saying people in their 50’s know more. Please know I don’t mean this in a mean way, but hearing such a second grade phrase in that paragraph… :P</p>

<p>I didn’t respond to the insults because I’m not going to stoop to juvenile levels, whether they be yours, MadisonHopeful’s, or wis75’s. And I really think it’s too bad that the moderator tolerates them.</p>

<p>And I (along with the rest of people in the UW forums) really think it’s too bad that the moderator tolerates you…</p>

<p>More press coverage of the sheep incident. </p>

<p>[Sheep</a> Score a Court Win in Wisconsin - Law Blog - WSJ](<a href=“Sheep Score a Court Win in Wisconsin - WSJ”>Sheep Score a Court Win in Wisconsin - WSJ)</p>


<p>Just to close the loop . . . </p>

<p>[U.Va&lt;/a&gt;. Prevails in CID Case](<a href=“]U.Va”></p>