<p>CR wrote: “I don’t think we are being told everything.”</p>
<p>then CR wrote: “Pls. do not misquote me. I said nothing of the sort. I just wish the Army Corps of Engineers could explain this situation more fully.”</p>
<p>Your first few posts were pretty clear in suggesting some sort of conspiracy to hide a mortal danger. The information that has been made available by the Army Corps and reported prominently on AU’s web site and in communications to the community from leadership – ten years worth of memos and notices – puts your delusions to rest.</p>
<p>To put this in a little perspective, European farmers have been uncovering WWI chemical weapons from their fields for ninety years. In France, they stack them up in a central location on their properties and trucks come by occasionally to pick them up. The discovery and clean-up efforts in DC and elsewhere have been undertaken in the open, with full disclosure and abundant press coverage, with an abundance of caution, and with public safety always at the top of the priority list.</p>
<p>Relax, CR. Summer is upon us. Pack a basket and enjoy a picnic. Sit in the grass! I feel certain you’ll survive to post another day.</p>