<p>I wonder how safe it is at AU, given they just found MORE chemical warfare debris near AU again, Pit 3, near the University presidents house. As you may know AU was the site of experiments for WWI munitions and discovered by neighborhood residents. It was supposed to have been cleaned up in Spring Valley during the 1990’s by The Army Corps of Engineers, but dangerous chemical, cancer causing debris continues to be found, as late as last week. Any input would be appreciated. I hope that this is not being downplyed by the government or the University.</p>
<p>My daughter told me that one of her advisors told her that the funny little round building on the end of the quad is actually an alien spacecraft that crashed. You can tell because it still has flames shooting out of the top. She said the little green men that survived the crash infiltrated the food service staff and are now starving our children so they can sell their bones as toothpicks. I hope this is not being covered up by the University.</p>
<p>Uh, check the news online. This serious issue has been documented since 1990, when debris, glassware, and other dangerous chemicals were uncovered in the Spring Valley neighborhood. Check the Army Corps of Engineers reports. Check the Washington Post April
15th, 16th 17th.</p>
<p>Ignorance is not bliss in this case.</p>
<p>[AU</a> - Army Corps of Engineers Project Updates](<a href=“http://www1.american.edu/usace/]AU”>http://www1.american.edu/usace/)</p>
<p>AU can’t even do a coverup right!</p>
<p>Just read on the WTOP.com news site for April 17th that this is the fourth pit of WWI chemical warfare shells, smoking chemicals and other debris from experimental testing from the AU chemical warfare station. This was supposed to have all been recovered and cleaned up, but has not, obviously. They are worried about these chemicals getting into the water supply and the neighborhood residents’ safety. Anyone that knows more about this please add your input.</p>
That report does include what was just uncovered last week. I don’t think we are being told everything.</p>
<p>My daughter told me the art faculty and advisors have all been conscripted by the Army Corps of Engineers and are being forced to eat the chemical weapons. Now most of the art produced by the hoards of 400-SAT students are little sculptures made from mashed potatoes that are being served to students by little green food service workers. </p>
<p>Run away!</p>
<p>This not a humorous issue in any sense of the word. The kids’ health and well-being are our prime concerns. If the Army Corps of Engineers was supposed to have cleared all of this dangerous chemical warfare debris in 1993 and 1994, why are they still uncovering shells, arsenic, smoking glassware, lewisite? In fact this debris only gets uncovered when neighbors in the Spring Valley neighborhood stumble upon it. Why did it take until the 90’s for this first to be addressed??? Our kids are walking on grounds with more of this possible debris. Why was a large area of debris uncovered only last week? Is it even safe to sit in the grass there. If you follow the history of the articles on this issue, it is extremely disturbing!!!</p>
<p>AU has been part of a great cancer experiment for years. They have been trying to figure out how to lure the best students they can find to their campus so they can starve them, force them to drink polluted water, and expose them daily to cancer-causing chemicals, without their parents catching on that their young darlings are being systematically killed off. </p>
<p>But, lucky for some, some students who pay full freight are being housed in specially designed rooms that block out all cancer exposures. For the rest, they are being given condoms and forced to drink large amounts of alcoholic beverages from bunk beds that are 10’ feet high so that they don’t even notice what is being done to them.</p>
<p>Be very afraid; very afraid.</p>
<p>Mini: Read the extensive history on this “attempted” cleanup of mortar shells, arsenic and mustard gas. Read the history of AU being used for Chemical warfare experimentation and the still existent, resulting pollution of warfare debris in the neighborhood. You will be shocked hon.</p>
<p>It’s April 30, the final day to accept or decline offers of admission. Do you suppose it’s a coincidence that on this very day the old and well-disclosed matter of Army Corps efforts to deal with WWI pollutants in northwest DC is brought to the top of the AU discussion list? If I didn’t know better, I’d think cadmiumred has an axe to grind. A disgruntled former employee hoping to dissuade a few matriculates, perhaps? </p>
<p>This is not new information, the president is apparently still living in his house, and AU doesn’t appear to have made any effort to hide anything. Yet, CR, you breathlessly report this like yesterday the kids were healthy and happy and free, but today they’re being deliberately poisoned. </p>
<p>Let’s hope AU teaches your “daughter” to employ reason instead of fear.</p>
<pre><code>'WWI pollutants in Northwest DC" is a generalization. The center of this chemical warfare experimentation was on AU’s campus. It is NEW news that last week a huge NEW pit of chemical warfare debris was found. That is what is disturbing. Why hasn’t this so-called cleanup effort been completed at this point. It makes you wonder what still has not been uncovered on the campus. I am worried for own child’s sake. There were reports of an arsenic cleanup from the warfare experiments near Hughes and McDowell only about a year ago.
<p>Ah, the truth finally comes out. "Red knew this information for more than a year, and decided to send her “daughter”, so utterly lacking in talent that the art department doesn’t even know who she is, and obviously from what "Red says a total pain in the butt, to AU in order to “dispense with her”. Shocking, indeed!</p>
<p>Look, CR, there’s nothing wrong with caring for the welfare of your own child, AU students, faculty, and staff, or for the safety of residents of that part of DC. But to suggest AU is engaged in a cover-up is just silly. So, unless you</p>
<p>-have evidence of some nefarious activity the news media hasn’t uncovered,
-assume AU administrators would risk their own lives to pull one over on unsuspecting students, or
-are aware of high rates of unexplained illness among AU students,</p>
<p>then your alarmist claptrap is unwarranted and silly. </p>
<p>All of us face risks every day that attract less attention than this has gotten for nearly two decades.</p>
<p>Can you tell cadred is a student? Finals end and suddenly these post start back up again.</p>
<p>Blewsclews: Pls. do not misquote me. I said nothing of the sort. I just wish the Army Corps of Engineers could explain this situation more fully.</p>
<p>Here’s where you can contact them, right in Washington, DC:</p>
<p>[Contact</a> Us](<a href=“http://www.usace.army.mil/ContactUs/Pages/default.aspx]Contact”>U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters > Contact)</p>
<p>I would suggest you refrain from posting again on this issue until you get the explanation from them you need for your “daughter” to feel safe.</p>
<p>Aw, Cadred feels bad because her claim that the students weren’t being fed was shot down in a twinkling of an eye, so she has moved on. But what will she come up with once she realizes this thread has petered out? Over the last year she’s covered filthy and dangerous dorms, inadequate food, poisoned water, ignorant and uncaring faculty and administration, stupid, lazy, filthy and debauched students, threats to personal safety and property by DC residents, and now, underground menaces. I am so eager to hear what’s coming in the fall! My guess is something about the new SIS building. Toxic fumes from the upholstery in the lounge seeping throughout campus! Shadows from the facility cutting off sunlight and depriving students of adequate Vitamin D! The cruel inequity of certain students (some of whom probably get–gasp–financial aid) having classes in a new building while the rest have to toil in foul and decrepit slums! But all of that will pale in light of the true menace looming in the 2010-2011 academic year: someone will leave gum on the seat of a shuttle bus and ruin her daughter’s designer pantaloons. I’m verklempt just contemplating it…</p>
<p>Work hard all summer, cadred, and don’t disappoint us.</p>
<p>But, mind you, 'red isn’t there - she gets all this from her “daughter”. Poor kid. Needs help in a big, big way.</p>