Morty's Deli shut down in Tenley

<p>We were quite saddened to hear Morty’s Deli shut down as a result of possibly a high rent increase by the owners of the building. This is quite unfortunate as there aren’t many eateries to begin with in the Tenley neighborhood, particularly those that are affordable and family oriented. I wish AU would put more effort into actually creating a collegetown with good affordable eateries and entertainment for the kids through a collaberation with Tenley.
Georgetown and GW have exciting collegetown neighborhoods, why can’t AU?</p>

<p>Not on my dime it won’t if I have anything to say about it. What do you think this is, Disney World?</p>

<p>A collegetown makes for an enjoyable college experience. There used to be a nice artsy movie theater in the neighborhood called the Outer Circle, now gone, that college students frequented. There was also a music/billiards venue called Babes across form Hudson Outfitters. This building is just empty now. Depressing not uplifting. Tenley needs reviving to be a viable collegetown like it used to be, without the vagrants and other unsavory characters dominating the community.</p>

<p>[deleted by Mod JEM]“Unsavory characters” don’t “dominate” Tenleytown. I’ve never seen anyone there I would describe that way. The neighborhood has restaurants, CVS, Container Store, Best Buy, Starbucks–whatever any student needs is right there, just a short ride on the AU shuttle or a nice walk. And with the rest of DC and its suburbs only a Metro ride away, no one is forced to shop in Tenleytown anyway. AU has a fantastic location, combining a beautiful campus with an urban location.* [comment regarding another poster deleted by Mod JEM]*</p>


<pre><code>The CVS, Container Store and Starbucks do not provide movies or musical entertainment including open mikes, rock etc… I was not talking about necessities but fun collegetown places like a cozy bookstore, music venues, clothing stores for college age kids. What’s wrong with that? Getting on the subway late at night to find entertainment is just not safe,

<p>especially when Metro has been having so many problems lately like the faulty escalators.</p>

<p>Don’t forget there is also entertainment available on campus. A run of “Nine” just finished that I heard was fabulous. We just got back from a visit and saw an on campus show (I never Saw Another Butterfly) based on events during the Holocaust that moved us all deeply. While we were in Katzen, we saw people arriving for another concert. The AU basketball season just had their first tip off this weekend as well.</p>

<p>There are things to do both on campus and off campus, but no one is claiming its Georgetown. It’s not and many students factor that into their decision making process. My D didn’t want a rural campus no matter how pretty, or a large state school. She is happy at American, busy with campus activities, shows, studies. Spending some time in Tenleytown and some in other areas of DC. She is finding it a great mix! But then again, she does not need to be spoon fed to find out what’s available.</p>