<p>My worst one was my first senior year, during our fall concert. I was in every instrumental performing group but orchestra (and I would have been in that too, but sadly I'm not gifted in the string department). So that meant, during concerts, I had to run around all over the place. Well, the jazz band had just finished playing and I had to go from there to the concert band set-up on the other side of our performance area. </p>
<p>When I got to my seat, I realized that I had forgotten to grab my music when I left the jazz band set-up, and since I was the only tenor sax player in the concert band, I really needed to go back and get it. I was going to go around behind the set-up, but the percussionists were busy getting their instruments ready and I didn't want to get in their way, so I just walked around the front, right in between the audience and the band. I was kind of trying to hurry since I didn't want to hold everything up. Well, I hadn't thought to leave my saxophone on my seat, unfortunately. The thing weighs probably about a fourth of what I weigh, maybe a little less. In any case, the weight of my sax combined with me trying to rush threw me off-balance, and it didn't help that the only all-black shoes (it's part of our uniform) I owned were these big platform shoes. </p>
<p>I'm sure you can see where this is going. My ankle twisted, and BAM. I was down. Right in front of everyone. I also managed to smack my saxophone against the podium, which made quite a nice, loud sound, so anyone who didn't see me fall certainly heard me. My BD came rushing over, and of course, being a musician, the first thing she asked was, "Is your saxophone okay?" (It was, FYI. It barely even dented, which is astounding considering how hard it hit.) Followed quickly by "Are you okay?" once she had ascertained I would still be able to perform. I got up, laughed it off, grabbed my music... and proceeded to play the very first note wrong. Heh. Oops.</p>
<p>The whole ordeal was really rather embarrassing, considering that it was in front of just about everyone - my mom, my best friend and her boyfriend, my then-crush (who was in the jazz band), my current boyfriend (he was in the concert band; this was before we were dating), all my band friends, my director... yeah. It was pretty bad. I got crap about it for months. I'm just glad it didn't happen my freshman year; I would've bawled my eyes out. I had a better sense of humor/confidence by that point.</p>