<p>Actually, it is because of our “one timer” med school program that our PA dropped from a 4.6 to a 4.5. We would have outranked Chicago, Columbia, and Cornell if that did not happen.</p>
<p>If it weren’t for our one time med program, we would have outranked them no doubt :D</p>
We can argue about this all we want. I can assure you JHU does not manipulate any research related data to make it seem as thought it does more than it should have. I’ve done a lot of research into this topic. I understand APL is a kinda sketchy. </p>
<p>We can talk about this later. I can assure you that JHU’s APL is not intentionally include JHU Applied Physics lab as an dependent entity for the purpose of distorting our rankings. It’s not as simple as that. </p>
<p>There is a TON to go into with regards to APL. For starters,</p>
<p>It was established by the order of the US President and the** Navy** to be continued within JHU without federal support. Johns Hopkins cannot report it as a separate entity in it’s finance report for that very reason. </p>
<p>As a non-profit entity, you can’t manipulate data to the federal government and exclude an entire division (APL) from your financial report. You are given tax free exemption status for a reason.</p>
<p>Pls do not go on with APL. It is extremely complex and only 4 other schools in the nation are in JHU’s position. We actually own this research branch unlike Berkeley LBNL/LLNL or Caltech JPL or Stanford SLAC or UChicago Fermilab (These are FFRDCs (AKA) University operated and managed, although there are employees who have joint appointments, they are not fully 100% university staffer and university affiliated researchers like they are at JHU APL)</p>