Mount Holyoke Class of 2027 Official Thread

wow, that’s quite a journey. It sounds like they may end up being classmates :slight_smile:

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wow, another potential classmate! My D will be a physics major as well. Whether your D does MHC or Smith, either way it’s the same area, and both part of the 5 college consortium :slight_smile:

We never visited Smith, but heard it has a very similar “vibe” to MHC from some other familes at the “Experience MHC” event - somehow it was never on my daughter’s radar. MHC and Bryn Mawr got on for the 3/2 program with CalTech, I guess Smith isn’t part of that.

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My daughter is a future bio major, with a specific interest in zoology/entomology, and we weren’t sure for a while whether she would go to MoHo or a public university honors program with a zoology major and more research options in entomology. After visiting both campuses, we knew Holyoke was it. It has such a comfortable warm feeling compared to a larger campus, and I think she will find opportunities over the years to study her areas of interest while building a good foundation in biology for future graduate studies. I do think this experience will shape her as a confident person and future scientist, and, I hope, she will create wonderful memories and find her tribe. Good luck to those still deciding, hoping you find clarity and peace with the decision!


We really liked the looks of Bryn Mawr online. Alas, none of their dorms have kitchens for students to use. Deal breaker for my dd. She also really liked Case and Rochester- got a 33k scholarship from Case but it’s still quite a bit more $$$ than the HWC’s. She likes both Smith & MoHo and changes her mind a hundred times a day as to which one to pick!

I think we’ll have a decision in the morning.

We arranged a session with an admissions counselor we’d had look over her essay and atl’ strategy the end of last year, they had a good conversation. She said she thinks she has a decision, but is going to sleep on it.

I have a feeling it is going to be MHC.

Good info on Bryn Mawr - she did say she is going to withdraw from the waitlist there, though. She wouldn’t want to commit without having visited, and has so many things going on in May that she doesn’t see how a visit would be possible on short notice, so figured it makes sense to withdraw there.

Not quite ready to withdraw from the WL at Wesleyan yet, though!

(just had to edit - for those that noticed, in the line above “WL” got autocorrected to “Walmart” somehow LOL)

Still waiting on my D23 too. She said she will commit tomorrow. We have our fingers crossed that it is MHC. Best wishes for you and your D23 on the final choice!


Smith has ABET engineering so no need for 3/2 programs. They do have 4+1 programs though for Master degree with UMass, BU and Tufts (for engineering). MHC is 25min bus ride from Smith and students can easily take classes there through the consortium. Good luck to all!


I’ve been following your journey as I have a sophomore at MHC and ’23 who just committed to CWRU! Will send you a PM with some more details, but just want to say that MHC has been all the things you saw on your visits - warm and welcoming community, supportive and attentive faculty, diverse in many ways and - this was ultimately our ‘21s deciding factor - a place to really explore, grow, build skills and confidence, and find her path.

She is not STEM but does have many STEM friends, some doing research on campus this summer, some with great-sounding internships, etc. The labs and facilities seems great - and the maker space (“Fimbel”) has become a second home for her with a wide mix of students there.

All that said, if Physics is the path, it’s worth digging into the curricula at both places. I think the more open curriculum at MHC would lead to a very different academic experience than st CWRU - for instance, 4 classes/semester at MHC vs 5 at CWRU…very different styles.

Such great choices ahead, and for sure (I’ve seen this a few times with our older kids) she will love either (and forget the other) as soon as she clicks the button!!

so…morning came, and she’s still not saying. But she seems to have a “peace” about her - I’m pretty sure it’s MHC. Though of course I’ll be equally excited for her with either choice :slight_smile:

I appreciate the confirmation that MHC IS as good as it seemed on the visit.

Such a weird journey. If we had visited Case in the fall instead of Grinnell (we looked at one or the other to pair with a trip to UChicago - Grinnell won out), that would have likely shown the “demonstrated interest” they like. She would have likely been accepted EA instead of deferred - and then never even done the admitted student days at MHC.

She will end up at the right place. She already has the shirt for MHC (but then, she has one for Case from our visit, too!). She could very easily end up at Case for grad school.

I’m anxious to buy the “proud dad” shirt to wear to all her high school events! I already have them in my Amazon cart, just waiting for her to push the button…


Haha! That’s funny because I have all the shirts in my Amazon cart too​:rofl::rofl: I’m sure my daughter is going to push her decision till Monday. She is with her dad currently (we share custody) until Sunday. He is pushing her to take a full ride scholarship that she got at Alabama. And asks her “are you wanting to go to an “All Girls” school because you hate men that much?” He obviously doesn’t get it…
So maybe it is better if she makes that decision from this house.

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Would you be willing to send over that info about MHC to me as well? We went to the admitted student days (well only a part of it- we were flying in from Alaska so we missed the first day and most of the events)
My daughter is also a physics major. She was able to sit in on a Calc & physics class but didn’t have a chance to interact with any students or really meet anyone:(

the event was exceptional! But the interaction with the other prospective students and current students was the most important part for my D

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I got “schooled” to call it a “women’s college”, NOT “all-girls” LOL

Right!?! We were so sad to miss it. We got in Sunday at 12:30 after traveling 15 hrs. So when we showed up Monday we only had time for the 2 classes, tour, and popped in to the dining hall. I wish she would have been able to talk to students & go to the physics lounge. I’m just bummed. If you received any good info, please share!

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*“Gender-diverse women’s college” is the phrase they use now, as the school accepts non-binary and transgender students.


yeah, but that’s more of a mouthful. I think D was happy to get me to use “women’s college” instead of “all-girls school”. Baby steps. I’ll get there :slight_smile:

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So…I thought D had made a decision, and just wasn’t saying it out loud.

This morning though, it seems she is still torn! CWRU vs MHC - I was sure she was picking MHC. I still think she will, but am alot less sure.

So stressful. Today she has a practice test for one of her AP’s (the real tests start next week - she has 7 of them between May 1 and May 12th). But she said she’ll decide on the college and we can make the deposit on Saturday.

Also working to send out graduation annoucements. We got them printed 2 months ago, she just hasn’t got around to it. The people actually COMING all know the dates of course already, but just one more thing she is trying to do. Though I think that one will be a simple, mindless distraction, just addressing envelopes tomorrow afternoon!

I so feel for her and the stress of it all.


Good luck! We met at the admitted student weekend at MHC - our kids both went to the costuming class. We made our deposit at MHC last week and D is feeling really good about it. It was a long process and it is nice to finally have a decision. Wishing your family the same good feelings when her decision is made. (My kid is rooting for it to be MHC! :slightly_smiling_face:)


thanks, I remember you both :slight_smile: And congrats!

I truly think it will be MHC. I’m honestly not even sure which I’m rooting for at this point! They are so different, yet I truly believe she would find her people at either. But the journey would be very different.

It comes down to what she wants. Which is a REALLY hard thing to know for any of us, but especially at just 18!

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I have been following the posts on your daughters college experience. This is such a stressful time and the kids are under such pressure to get it “right”. The good news is there’s really no bad decision here both are excellent schools.

Your posts resonate with me because 4 years ago my daughter was in the same position essentially deciding between full pay in Evanston (IL) and a full tuition merit scholarship at a SLAC.

The advice my daughter heard that made the difference was that you really only get one chance to pursue the SLAC experience as it’s not really a thing for graduate school. She also knew if she performed well in college she could attend a highly selective graduate school.

She graduates next month, (biology/pre-med track) and said she’s had the best 4 years of her life and last week was even invited to join phi beta kappa. Maybe something in my daughters experience will be relevant for your situation.