<p>What's the dollar amount that these awards compensate? The website just says this:</p>
As an institution that values the highest levels of academic excellence and the cultivation of women leaders, Mount Holyoke is pleased to offer a limited number of merit scholarshipsawarded competitivelyto first-year candidates who have an outstanding record of scholarship and extracurricular achievement in high school and who demonstrate noteworthy leadership skills. These scholarshipsMount Holyoke College Leadership Awardswill be renewed annually, up to a maximum of eight semesters for as long as a student is enrolled full-time and remains in good academic standing.
<p>I’m not positive, but I believe they can go up to full tuition; however, I don’t think that ever really happens. Most women I’ve met with Leadership Awards are between $10,000-$20,000 a year.</p>
<p>keai–I didn’t get a scholarship from Smith, but I did get one from MHC–the 21st Century Scholar one, which is actually more selective than Smith’s STRIDE.</p>
<p>My D received a Leadership Scholarship (20,000).
Weighted GPA: 4.8 (1/290)
SAT: M 640, W 750, R 710
SAT2 French 800
AP (Hist) 5<br>
AP (French) 5
No “leadership” activity per se, but a lot of mentoring and community service.
One sport.
Average essays, but great recommandation letters.</p>
<p>I got a Leadership Scholarship too -
Weighted GPA - 4.0 (not my most sterling feature ;))
SAT: M620 CR750 W800
SAT II: Lit 760, Bio 680
AP Euro - 4
Lots of leadership - Editor in chief of newspaper, co-editor of lit. mag.; founder of nonprofit environmental org… bunch of shtuff, really.
I think my essay was pretty solid and I don’t know about my recs.
Additional info: I’m a junior.</p>
<p>MHC 21st Century Scholar versus Smith Stride? I am interested in lab research in Biology (molecular and cellular) and I’m wondering which school offers better opportunities. Welcome your opinions, thanks!</p>
<p>I received an award of $15,000/yr, but that was 3 years ago, so the standards may have changed given the economy and budget cuts.</p>
<p>Weighted GPA: 3.8
SAT: M 640, W 760, V 740
5 AP tests–One 5 (Biology), Four 4s (French, English Lit, US Gov, US History)
Lots of leadership (MUN team, editor of school lit magazine, church choir)
One sport for 10 years (horseback riding)
Solid part-time employment for 3 years
Solid essays, decent recommendation letters</p>
<p>It really depends on the stats of the class coming in. I think 2011 happened to not have as many stellar applicants, which may be why I got a good deal of merit aid (not even close to qualifying for financial aid).</p>