Move-in Strategies

Hey guys, I hope it’s not too early to be thinking about move-in because I need to buy plane tickets ASAP.

My question is: How did you guys do it? What is the process you went through? I would especially appreciate insight from people who lived far away.


I came from FL: I shipped 3 large boxes to a friend in Mass, flew up on Southwest (free first checked bag, means one less box to ship). When I arrived my friend brought the boxes (car) and we moved in a few days early, no problems (just request it). Shipping was under $150.


  1. If you fly, fly southwest. Free bag, less shipping.
  2. Early move in if you can.
  3. If you don't have a friend close, you can ship to your on campus mailbox, just check the specifics of when on that. No matter where you are, the worst you will have to do is move your shipped boxes about a 5-10 min walk distance.

Getting everything into the room took an hour, settling down and getting everything set up took the rest of the daytime, about 4-5 hours.

@PengsPhils Thanks so much! This helped a lot.

If anyone else has experience, I’d love to hear it!

Does anyone know when we will be able to request early move-in and how this all plays out with Honors Welcome Week?

If you’re going to be buying some stuff for college (like towels, bedding, etc) order it online and have it shipped directly to your dorm address ahead of time and it will be waiting for you when you move in.