<p>I am looking to go to school at an Ivy League or near Ivy League school for undergraduate study in Physics / Astronomy. (Astrophysics / Astrobiology)</p>
<p>I can honestly admit, that even though I tested well in high school, and was in AP classes at the start, I dropped out of most of them because well, I was lazy. I hate admitting it, but its true, I was dead lazy. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I joined the military in hopes of getting college money to help me push towards college as well as give me some time to decide what I wanted to do with my life. I am now about to get out of the military and start working on my college life. I kept an average 3.0 in high school, while scoring in the upper 10% for math and 20% for other categories. I went to the best school in my country / region, though my finishing position out of my class was only in the top 250 (I think 248) out of a 898 graduating class. It wasnt until I spent time in the military and learned some discipline that I realized how important my education was, and horribly wrong it was of me to slack off.</p>
<p>I have hopes of getting into a top school and I want to know that with my past education not being perfect, but still above average, and my military experience, are my chances increased when applying for an Ivy or near Ivy league school? </p>
<p>I know that some of these Schools have signed agreements with the military as apart of the yellow ribbon program that expects military veterans into the school. I believe, but could be wrong, that they picked a number and are required by this program to admit up to that many veterans who apply for the designated programs. </p>
<p>Since I am already out of high school with little extracurricular activity under my belt, what things can I do to help increase my chances when applying for these schools? I am doomed to failure from my negligence in high school? I have plans to do extensive volunteer work when I get out in order to develop a record of public service. Will things like this help? (i.e. Soup Kitchen, Red Cross assistance at hospitals, etc.)</p>
<p>Additional Information:
My military career only brought me to the rank of SPC (Specialist, or E-4) but the jobs and positions I held were of high / extreme responsibility. I ran and operated a Satellite providing communications for a base while Deployed, and back in the states, I spent time as the head armorer for our unit. Both jobs required me to have a secret clearance and I had to sign for / keep track of Millions of dollars worth of equipment. I have a few military awards under my belt as well (or should I say on my chest) to include an ARCOM and 2AAMs (not amazing, but still good)</p>
<p>I am currently 21 years old but will be 22 by the time I put in any applications.</p>
<p>I have been complimented many times on the presentation and skillful interview processes that I have been through.</p>
<p>Sorry if this was too long. Thanks for reading and replying.</p>
<p>TL;DR (Too Long; Don't Read)
Will my military experience increase my chances of getting into an Ivy League / Top tier school?</p>