Moving in from 1000 miles away

<p>JosieP, students are allowed to move in the week before general move in if they are doing rush/band/AA/AO. I believe there was a sign up for move in times and date (Sat or Sun) that became available in mid June. My DD and two of her suitemates moved in that weekend. We picked an early slot because 1. it’s hot in Alabama in August and 2. it gave her more time to get the room set up before convocation in the evening. Move in was orchestrated beautifully. As soon as DH pulled up, the car was surrounded by young people who unloaded the car and brought everything up to her suite. Label everything! </p>

<p>Be looking for the move in sign up.</p>


<p>Do they now allow Saturday move in for AA/OA/rush? In the past, move in was Sunday morning and everything was rushed.</p>

<p>I agree…label everything. And, as soon as you know your child’s dorm number, but that on boxes so if something goes astray, they know where it belongs.</p>

<p>Last year Tut students could move in the Friday or Saturday before recruitment began. Girls going through recruitment in the honors dorms were able to move in on Saturday. Recruitment Convocation was on Saturday night. Recruitment began on Sunday morning. My D didn’t go through recruitment, but all three of her roommates did. They moved in on Saturday and we selected an early Sunday morning time. That allowed us the full day to get D settled in before Alabama Action began on Sunday evening. It worked out really well. We weren’t in their way on Saturday while they were getting settled in and ready for Recruitment Convocation and they were busy with a full day of parties while we moved D in on Sunday.</p>

<p>S & H drove down from CT with a full SUV for AA. I had a couple of things shipped site to store via Walmart-bookcase, etc. I flew down to help set up but that was pretty much a waste of time, as they were all moved in prior. It was good to be able to buy everything at my leisure, wash & pack it. Wasn’t as crowded as it was prior to move in, so hotels, restaurants were plentiful.</p>

<p>But BBB & walmart site to store would have worked for everything.</p>

<p>Last year, early move in for OA & AA was Saturday and Sunday with the program beginning on Sunday.</p>



<p>I thought they said on the housing webcast last week that move-in at the honors dorms started on Saturday. Ridgecrest South might even have been Friday. They said that the move-in information should be on the website soon -I had the impression it would be up by this coming week.</p>

<p>We are going to drive down from IL with everything on whatever day it is decided is move-in for AA (some conflicting stories here, so that’s why we’re driving, so we can be flexible)…plan on moving son in at that time (i.e., not a week later, as so many suggest). I want son settled w/ everything from the start, not go w/ bare essentials for that first week.I’m hanging around in a hotel room for 1-2 days after move in just in case there is something we need to get/buy/do that would require a car for him. Then, it is the 12+hour, lonely sad drive home w/ out him…tears will be rollin’ just like the tide…</p>

<p>Stop, aeromom! You’re makin’ me all sniffley!</p>

<p>Same. :frowning: I just told my hubby we need to find something fun to do on the way home so I’m not crying the whole time.</p>

<p>Ok, my D and I are overwhelmed with figuring everything out. We are having a hard time with the dates, can someone please help. When would AA start and do they accept everyone that applies? When is WOW (just learned about that) and would we be missing out on that if we moved D in before AA. What is convocation that I am reading about, and there is a special Honors night or something? This is all so new to us and we don’t want to miss out on a thing. I know she has a special day she can apply for housing, (when will she get that day?) but how does that work out for roomates, you just get whoever? ( she did fill out the roomate profile). I know I know, so sorry about all of these questions! H and I only ever went to a College in our City in Canada, so this all so new to us.</p>

<p>I don’t know what the number limits are anymore for AA and OA. I think for OA, there is a stricter limit. I don’t think it’s as strict for AA.</p>

<p>Just found out…AA is 100 students.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>OA is now 80 kids…used to be only 40…now it’s doubled!
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>AA and OA start on Sunday, Aug 12, so move in is (I think) the day before (that’s the controversy right now …the AA website says that move in is Aug 10 or 11</p>

<p>They both end that Friday, Aug 17th…which is the start of WOW week. Wow begins that Friday night and goes thru Tuesday Aug 21. The first day of classes is Wednesday Aug 22</p>

<p>I’m not sure when Honors Convocation is. I think it’s the first Sunday after classes start.</p>

<p>* I know she has a special day she can apply for housing, (when will she get that day?*</p>

<p>The sign up day for housing is based on when she gave her housing deposit. When did she do that?</p>

<p>here’s the chart…
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>maybe UAHousing can chime in about when AA/OA move in is.</p>

<p>Josie, I’m in the same position as you - incoming freshman D - but I’ll tell you what my understanding of all this is.</p>

<p>Move-in for AA/OA/Rush/MDB is the weekend of 8/10. I think move-in begins for most of the honors dorms on Saturday the 11th. AA and OA activities start the evening of Sunday the 12th. Regular campus move-in is the following weekend. WOW is between regular move-in and the start of classes on Wednesday 8/22. I think there are a couple things parents can go to, but we’re not planning to go and don’t feel like we’ll be missing much. I think Honors Convocation is a little initiation to the honors college -I don’t know anything about it.</p>

<p>As for housing, your room selection time is based on when you put your housing deposit down. Housing has probably sent a couple e-mails to your D’s crimson mail account letting her know when that is, and you can also find it on MyBama. If she wants to select her own roommates, she’ll have to find them. If she doesn’t know anyone IRL who is going to Bama that she wants to room with, she can go through the profiles on Roommate Finder and message girls who look compatible, or she can look for roommates on the UA 2016 facebook group. Then the girls pick rooms in the same suite or beds in the same room (generally the roommate with the first pick time pulls the others in). Or she can just go random, and her roommates will be whoever else happens to choose a room in that suite or a bed in that room. Good luck!</p>

<p>Wait - move in for honors dorms is a full week earlier? Where was the memo? I’ve been stalking the ‘check back later’ page for move-in times for <em>weeks</em>. I made hotel reservations for all of Aug. 18th weekend to cover my bases, and my bases are now naked and a week early? What did I miss?!</p>

<p>If your child is doing AA, OA, or rushing it is. Tut moved in on Friday last year and AA and OA moved in on the Saturday and Sunday before AA and OA, the week before other students arrived. You’ll have an opportunity to sign up for a move in time later in the summer. I believe sign ups were in June last year. The students picked up their information packets on Sunday afternoon last year and then lectures were held on Sunday evening.</p>

<p>You’ll want to be fully moved in by Sunday afternoon before AA and not wait until the next weekend.</p>

<p>^^ No, move-in to the honors dorms for those who are doing OA/AA/rush/MDB is the weekend before.</p>

<p>Whew - panic averted. Thanks beth’s mom.</p>

<p>When do the boys rush? I’m trying to figure out what date to arrive with S…</p>

<p>I think their Rush is later…maybe closer to Labor Day weekend? I could be wrong, so hopefully others will chime in.</p>

<p>Ok sorry if this has been posted somewhere but I cannot seem to find any definite dates - does anyone know when regular boys move in to the dorms? My son isn’t doing AA or OA and any of the other programs - he wants to join a frat but from what I understand they don’t move in any earlier…just the regular move in. Is the time/date determined based on your housing selection date? I am trying to plan all of this out because we are coming from NJ and supposed to be ending our vacation in SC weekend of Aug 18th. We will have to leave a day early and stay at a hotel but now I have figure out the flights…yikes</p>