MPE Advice

My daughter is entering the undergraduate Viz program I. The College of Architecture this fall. This program requires Math for Engineering 1 and 2.
She took AP Calculus in high school and got a 4 on the AP exam which was high enough to allow her to get credit for Math for Engineering 1. She decided, however, that she does not want to go right into Math for Engineering 2 so she plans to decline the AP credit and start with Math for Engineering 1 anyway as she does not feel prepared to go right into the second level class. However, on the MPE she missed the qualifying score by 1 point with no time to retake it before her NSC. (Yes, that was a big mistake but we have been away for most of the summer). She does not want to take Pre-Calculus because she has no room for it in an already challenging schedule and she already knows the material. Does anyone know what her options might be? For example, if she can sub her AP Calc score for Engineering Math 1, could she instead choose to sub it for the Pre-Calc class that she tested into on the MPE (which is a lower level class)? Can she retake the MPE after the NSC and drop Pre-Calc if she passes it? Could she take the AP Calculus credit in place of Engineering Math 1 and then audit the class just for review (which would allow her to skip the Pre-Calc class) If anyone has any insight, we’d be happy for your input. Thanks you!

I’m pretty sure she can retake it after her nsc and then change classes during Howdy week during open registration.

There is a PPP program (Personalized Precalculus Program) offered by Texas A&M. It’s a 3 week online class. After completion, she has two options:
(1) Take one online-proctored MPE after completion of the Personalized Precalculus Program, or
(2) take an onsite proctored MPE during Howdy Week on August 20 or August 22.

She can only retake it once. If she isn’t interested in PPP and prefers to review on her own, she can retake the MPE during Howdy Week as rosegeo mentioned above and then change her schedule.

Dept. of Mathematics MPE info
AP credit chart

Thanks for all the advice. When she went to register at her NSC today, her academic advisor told her to accept her AP Calc AB 4 to sub credit for Math 151 and go right into Math 152. She did that, but I think that was not good advice. Regardless of the 4 she struggled with the class in high school. She can’t undo it according to policy. Can she just take the Math 151 class anyway? Wonder how that would work.

I suggest you contact an advisor right away. If you’re still there, go in person!
Ask the advisor if your daughter retakes the MPE and scores a 22 or above, if they will remove the AP credit so she can enroll in 151. Mistakes are made at NSC, and I think the advisors have some leeway with freshmen. If they agree, I would sign her up for the last PPP session and make sure she’s prepared. There’s no getting around the MPE. If she ends up going into 152, I would suggest a lighter load of 12-14 hours for the first semester. Good luck - I know it’s stressful, but it will all work out!