Math Placement Exam?

I got a 18 out of 33 on my math placement exam. I need a 22 or higher to take calculus my first year. I have one more chance to take it again since I have to wait 30 days.
If I don’t make a 22 or higher what will happen?
Will I have to take pre-cal my first semester?
I also read that I could take this online course doing the summer to prepare me and then my advisor can switch me to calculus?

I go to a small 1a high school so I never had the chance to take calculus. I’ve only had up to pre-cal. I plan to major in computer engineering/science.
I guess worse case scenario would be to take pre-cal first semester which would put me a semester behind? I guess I could take a course in the summer to catch up.

I’ll let more recent students answer the ‘what happens if’ questions. The MPE has changed significantly over the past few years - not necessarily the test, but the significance of the score & how it is used. Always find out how old the advice/information you are getting from someone is, things are changing quickly. I will say that at our NSCs, the stunned look of parents & students that got older advice and found it was no longer valid were beyond frustrated.

@patstar5, Yes, you’re required to have a score of 22 or higher to take Calc 1 (Math 151) first semester. Otherwise, there is another math course you will be placed in as a prerequisite to 151. Use the online practice test to study (I understand a lot of it is pre-cal rules so brush up on those), and take it again in 30 days. I believe it needs to be completed by May 22, so depending on when you took it initially, you may or may not have time for a re-test. If not, it might be wise to take the required prerequisite course at a community college (or the online version you mentioned) so you can come in taking Math 151. I do know you must complete Math 151 (C or higher) before you can apply to your major within Engineering. You might call Engineering Academic & Student Affairs, 979.845.7200, for more advice.

I thought that even if I had the prerequisite, I can’t take Math 151 unless I make a 22 or higher on the MPE.

Does anyone know about the MPE for business? I got 13 out of 25 right, and it literally says nothing…doesn’t say how many more I needed to pass, just says “13 out of 25 right”…not very helpful. :confused:

If you look over the review and learn how to do each one of the problems, then you will definitely pass. There were a lot of problems I did not know how to do, but because the review shows the methods, it enabled me to learn how to do the test since it is essentially made up of problems of the same exact topics on the review.

Where did you get the review? There was this which showed how to work some problems:
The practice test and solutions really didn’t show me how to solve anything.
Here is link to website:

Sorry I meant the practice test. Perhaps if you need more elaborations of the practice problems, then copy and paste the questions on google and sometimes it will be worked out better.

Ok, I will be sure to study for it this time. If I don’t make a 22 or higher, wouldn’t I be a whole semester behind if I have to take Math 150? Don’t I have to be enrolled in Math 151 to enroll in the other engineering classes?
That’s what someone is this thread said:
Then again, if you don’t understand Math 151, it probably would be better to take Math 150. Being a semester behind would be better thank taking Math 151 your first semester and failing it.

Your worst case scenario is being placed into a course that’s over your head.

Review your Pracalc notes. Make sure you know what you know.

Then take a deep breath and go take the test. If you have to take PreCalc on the college level, it’s no big deal. It will help you be better prepared for Calc.

So can someone explain how AP credit for Calc BC works with the MPE? Do you still need to take the MPE if you get a 4 or 5 on the AP exam? Do you recommend taking the AP credit and moving on to the next level math course or is it recommended to take Calc I even if you receive a 4 or 5 on the AP exam?

Everyone has to take the MPE regardless of AP credit. If you got a 4 or 5 on the BC Calc test then I’d definitely recommend skipping to at least Math 152.

@izelkay if you don’t score a 22 on the MPE test ( I assume this is the min score you need to advance to calc 152?) but have a 4 or 5 on the AP BC test is it still recommended to skip Math 151 and go to Math 152?

@marfalights previously you were asking about business majors - did you switch to engineering? (151 &152 are engineering math, 141 & 142 are business math).

I’m not sure about business math but yeah for engineering math the stuff you’ll see in 151 & 152 is more closely correlated to the AP tests than the MPE test. I think the AP tests are a better indicator of how you’ll do in these classes than the MPE test. Though you’d still probably need to score well enough on the MPE to satisfy the university, I wouldn’t worry about seeing the material on there in either 151 or 152.

Yes was confused on the different required course levels for engineering vs business - is there a link that explains the MPE for business math courses most of the links I have found seem to discuss Math 151/152.

There are two versions of the MPE - they are divided up by major. One has 25 questions and the other 33 questions. Engineering is the only one I know of that publishes a result pathway that pertains to your MPE scores (out of 33). Business takes the 25 question one - there isn’t a published chart that I ever found in recent years. So, most info is word of mouth. 141 & 142 are the only Math series required in Business - if you have credit for them, skip them.

Here is a good link that provides you with correct information -