MSN Family Nurse Practitioner Program at Penn

<p>MY D graduated from the University of Delaware with her BSN in 2010. She was just accepted into the MSN Family Nurse Practitioner Program at the University of Pennsylvania. I would appreciate it very much if anyone who has had any experience with, or can provide any input, regarding this Program that you please provide me with some feedback. This Program is very expensive and I am trying to ascertain if the benefits of attending Penn would be worth it, as compared to less expensive alternative nursing graduate programs that she has available. Thanks so much in advance for your responses.</p>

<p>I am not sure but except from a connections benefit, I do not see it being better. I work in a top teaching hospital and many nurses go to State schools for their MSNs and get great jobs. Hopefully others will weigh in with other perspectives. Congrats to you D, that is wonderful!</p>