MSU Residence Hall Questions...

<p>Hi- I just got accepted for Fall 2010!
I was wondering if anybody had any thoughts on which residence hall I should go with for next year? I know I want a double room with community bathrooms. I'd like a hall with decent food and in close proximity to my classes. Are there halls that are more predominantly Freshman? Does that matter? I'm so excited-I can't think straight!
Is there anything else i should consider when choosing where to live?

<p>Brody is where most freshmen end up. Here is a link to talk about dorms [Future</a> Students Neighborhoods | Campus Living Services](<a href=“]Future”></p>

<p>Ill elaborate later.</p>

<p>Thank you! I appreciate it!</p>

<p>what are your credentials? are you possible honors? mason/abbot, snyder/phillips. great food and right off grand river ave. not too far from most of the buildings with large lecture halls, which is probably where your going to have most of your first year classes. brody is terrible. don’t live there. its really far away from everyting, its ALL freshman, and its being renovated…enough said.</p>

<p>Yeah, I started to go through res halls one by one and realized it was going to take too much time. </p>

<p>First off, are you in (or thinking about joining) some kind of residential college? Be it RCAH, James Madison, etc… because then it won’t matter. </p>

<p>I am in Snyder-Phillips because I am in RCAH. I personally love it. Great food, great location, one of the nicer looking dorms inside and out. </p>

<p>PS is right… Brody is terrible avoid it if at all possible.</p>

<p>Thanks for the heads up about Brody! LOL-I’ll avoid at all costs.
I am just a regular freshman-no honors or residential college.
Looking to major in Pre-Med.
Do they lump all the Freshman together or is it pretty spread out?
Is it better to room with a Freshman or that doesn’t matter?
Thanks again for the advice!</p>

<p>In Brody, they’re all lumped together. They generally room freshmen with other freshmen.</p>

<p>If your not a honors student but looking for that type of environment etc… you can try the residental college Lymn Briggs… a hall is dedicated to the residental college.</p>

<p>Brody is actually a fun place to be if you get over the fact that it’s seen as the freshman ghetto.</p>

<p>Do you apply to honors colleges?
EDIT: Got my answer.</p>

<p>Hello Spartan,</p>

<p>I emailed MSU about hall preferences and this is the reply I received. So-I guess we no longer get any options other than the enviromental preferences.</p>

<p>As of Fall 2010/ Spring 2011 we are no longer accepting hall requests. All housing assignments will be based on environmental preferences (smoking, alcohol-free, quiet, etc…) and on Living Learning Options which are required by certain colleges. If you have further questions contact our office.
Thank you and Go Green</p>

<p>That kind of sucks, but I don’t think they paid a whole lot of attention to the hall requests anyway.</p>

<p>Yeah, I really didn’t have a preference as to which hall, but I kinda wanted a hall with community bathrooms and a dining hall. I guess I’ll just hope for the best!!</p>