MSU scholarships for OOS NMF

Does anyone have any experience with NMF scholarship at MSU? What is the selection process for the Merit Recognition Scholarship (High-achieving student scholarships | Admissions | Michigan State University)?

Something that is different about MSU vs some other schools is that getting a substantial NMF scholarship is not a definite for NMFs. Students have to name MSU as their first choice school and then MSU goes through a round of giving out various scholarships. The big NMF scholarships they give are for a “limited” number of students if you are OOS. For in state students it appears to vary in amount. The scholarships are not necessarily huge, but chances are the student would also get into the Honors College, which gives out some nice scholarships. My son did not rank MSU as his first choice and he wound up committing elsewhere, but I got some info during the application and decision process.

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Thank you for the info. Sounds like OOS NMF can’t expect a big scholarship at MSU. I was hoping that “limited” is similar to the criteria at UCF (first 40 OOS).

The OOS state offer was generous AND high achieving students are invited to their big scholarship competition (the ADS) which is incredibly generous (and my son had a blast!). My son did not win the ADS award, but between a great scholarship at the Honors College and the Professorial Assistantship he was offered that sounded great, MSU was definitely on his finalists list and would have been much more affordable than without the scholarships. That said, note that their scholarships last only 8 semesters, I believe. My son would have wound up doing a pretty intense double major to get his needs met for his interests and it seemed unlikely he’d be able to finish in 8 semesters, so I was glad he committed somewhere he is able to have an affordable education even if it takes him longer. MSU is crazy expensive OOS with no scholarship!

Good to know about the ADS. Quite a unique way of awarding a scholarship!

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