<p>Hi, guys! I have a few of questions about the writing courses at Muir. </p>
<li><p>How do MCWP 40 and 50 compare to IB HL English? I assume they'd be more difficult, but to what extent? How well do you feel that HL English prepared you for those courses?</p></li>
<li><p>Which of the two courses, in your opinion, is more difficult? Why?</p></li>
<li><p>I can't really find a detailed course description anywhere (unless I'm just not looking hard enough), so what do the two courses consist of in terms of assignments? </p></li>
<p>Thank you so much! :D If you can answer any of these, that'd be super helpful! I'm sure there's a thread about the last two questions somewhere, but since I couldn't find one for the first question, I thought I'd might as well post those here as well. Thanks again!^^</p>
<p>I took Muir 40/50 over 4 years ago, I think, so things may have changed. If I recall correctly, Muir 40 had three papers over the quarter. I think they were different types of papers based on the reading you do throughout the quarter, and two are shorter (maybe 4-6 pages) and the final paper is longer (maybe 10-12 pages). There are no exams or anything–the final paper is due at the end of tenth week, so you don’t have anything for the class during finals week. Muir 50 has different topics in different sections and you can look up the topics before you enroll in it. You’ll be expected to write a research paper based on something related to your topic for the class, and there are three assignments again during the quarter (a research proposal, an annotated bibliography, and a final research paper). It’s a similar setup to Muir 40 in that there are no exams and the final paper is due at the end of week 10.</p>
<p>I didn’t do IB in high school, so I have no idea which is easier or harder. Muir writing is really just reading texts and writing papers. If you feel comfortable writing papers, then you’ll be fine. If not, Muir writing does some things to help students along the way, like having meetings with the TA, writing drafts, peer reviews, office hours, etc. There’s also a writing center on campus that you can go to for help. I don’t really know whether Muir 40 or 50 was harder. I guess it just kind of depends on you? Muir 40 had a little more of analyzing texts and literature, while Muir 50 had more out-of-class work because you had to do all of the research for your paper.</p>
<p>Thank you so, so much!!! Your answer helped a lot!
I’m so sorry for my late reply though!</p>