MUL2010 or PHI2630?

<p>with the drop/add period commencing, I find myself in a bit of a conundrum. </p>

<p>I keep flip flopping between Intro to Music Lit and Contemporary Moral Issues. </p>

<p>Ive done research on both and they seem like great classes, each with something interesting to offer. the professor for phi2630 -Haynes- seems like a really cool prof. to have and he has good reviews. I tried looking for Phillip Klepacki, the prof for Music lit, but i couldnt find any reviews on him. </p>

<p>So, Im hoping if anyone could give me any info on both or either classes so I may finally pick something and stop obsessing over my schedule. </p>


<p>I loved MUL2010. My teacher was a Grad Student: Christina Reitz. She was simply amazing and made it such an easy class. I swear, she did everything possible for you to get the A in the class without any trouble. It's very interesting and I enjoyed the class very much. Phillip Klepacki was actually a TA for Christina Reitz and would grade the papers she would assign for us. He seemed nice but I remember he lectured the class for one day because Christina was out of town. He was a little boring and he didn't write anything on the chalkboard so you basically had to listen to him and write down what he said. Christina on the other hand wrote everything and told you exactly what would be on the exams and the Final was open book! So, if you see a section of hers, take it! But, I really haven't heard any complaints about MUL2010 in general.</p>

<p>I really don't much about PHI2630, sorry. :)</p>

<p>The only complaints I've heard about Music Lit were the essays you had to write.</p>

<p>Yeah. I had 3 papers to write. Two papers were 1500 words each and you had to go to a concert/recital and basically write a paper on the pieces the performer performed and how they related to their era, etc. They were like mini research papers in a way. The 3rd paper was a 3000 word research paper on a selected topic on western music. Oh, and the papers weren't assigned by Christina Reitz, her TA Phillip Klepacki came up with them and graded them.</p>

<p>That's a drag, I hate papers.</p>

<p>Ditto, thank god I have no writing classes this semester but I still need 6000 words for Gordon Rule but I'm going to wait until Spring so I can take Technical Writing.</p>

<p>Tech writing is fine, most of the instructors are cool and will give very little work to do outside of class. There are a few that will make unnecessarily time consuming, just hope you don't get into their class.</p>