Music business Steinhardt vs Clive Davis

I’m extremely split about which I should go to–which would be easier for me to get into, and would fit me best. I’m a singer and songwriter (pop/r&b/rap) and I want to make and release music of my own, but I’d like to pursue a music business career, ideally as an executive (for a more stable income and bc I’m interested in business/management) while releasing my music as a side-hustle. I’ve heard that it’s slightly harder to get into Clive Davis, and I’ve never been able to release or produce any music, I’ve only written them (lyrics/melodies/harmonies), so I’m not sure if they would be impressed by my portfolio. I haven’t really had any opportunities to get into the music business industry beforehand because my parents aren’t extremely supportive and would rather me go to a (less expensive) non-music focused business or economics program at another school.

I’ve also heard that the two programs offer different educations (from what I’ve gathered, Steinhardt is more focused on music theory and business whereas Clive Davis is for both artists and people interested in music business?) and was wondering if anyone had any input on which would better suit me/which I should apply to. I’m an Asian male, I have a 1550 SAT/35 ACT and a 3.96 GPA (my school has a weird curriculum and doesn’t offer any honors/AP classes, and the max GPA is 4.0) and I can sing, dance, rap, and write songs, if any of that information helps. Thanks :slight_smile:

What year are you ? I don’t knii Lou a which school is right for you but I know that one school is not enough to apply to. And you need to get in. So that’s probably the start of a list that needs even more added.

I’m a high school senior and I’m applying to other schools (UChicago, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, Columbia, etc.) for business/economics, but I’m honestly way more interested in music business in particular, hence the reason why I really want to go to one of these two NYU programs. I’m also interested in maybe Syracuse or Berklee College of Music, but NYU is my top pick–I’m just not sure whether the Steinhardt music business program or the Clive Davis program would fit my interests better.

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With that list you need a safety. Check out Belmont or MTSU.

It looks as if Clive Davis has more applied music, and Steinhardt more academic focus, but I could be wrong.

NYU is expensive. Are your parents on board with this choice?

There are a lot of schools with music business programs. Are you focused on being in NYC?

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You’ve posted about a pretty common dilemma. If you Google search this question you will see it discussed on several other sites.

In very broad strokes, Clive Davis leans more “artsy” and Steinhardt leans more “business-y” (the program includes Stern classes).

Tisch is much tougher to get into than Steinhardt in general, but I’m not sure about the acceptance rates for these particular programs.

You’ve probably already visited the FAQ page for Clive Davis, but if not check out this link and read the detailed response to the following Question:


Also, this article originally in Billboard highlights both programs, plus others that might interest you:

I’ll take a look, thanks!

Belmont was on the list of 12 elite schools from the previous poster. I know MTSU also has a well recognized program - sure it’s a directional, locals state school - but that’s a specialty.

My parents aren’t 100% convinced because of the cost. I wouldn’t make them pay any more than they are comfortable, but of course it’s still a pretty major concern. I would very much like to go to a school in New York (or LA) because of the sheer amount of connections and internships available there. I also prefer schools like NYU over Berklee because there are plenty of non-music related programs that I can switch to in case it somehow turns out I hate everything about music business (actually it’s mostly my parents that are very big on this, they really want me to be able to switch out). I also am interested in taking the Business of Entertainment, Media, and Technology minor at NYU to prepare for me a wider scope of possibilities.

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Yeah haha, I’ve seen quite a few discussions about the same issue, but I wanted to post myself to ask about my specific situation. I saw on Clive Davis’s FAQ that their admission rate is 60 out of 500. My plan was originally to apply to one and list the other as my second choice, but neither are available as second choice majors unfortunately, which is why I’m more concerned about getting into one of the programs now.

I think one of my biggest issues in deciding one is that I’m equally interested in the business and artistry aspects, and I feel like Steinhardt would deprive me of all the opportunities to develop myself as an artist that Clive Davis provides–conversely, I’m not confident Clive Davis will prepare me as a businessperson in the industry well enough. I’m mostly nervous to miss out on what the other provides (and possibly miss out on both if the program I apply to has admissions that are too competitive).

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Belmont does seem promising, but I think I’d prefer non-religious colleges if possible. My hesitations with MTSU and Belmont are both pretty similar in that I’d prefer to be in a bigger city environment–but I think I’ll still add MTSU to my list as an option.

Certainly a safety :slight_smile:

I live in Nashville and I know there are some Jewish kids (gasp) at Belmont. I don’t get it - it is religious. But you might dig deeper, talk to a student advisor, etc.

It could be that perhaps for some the music trumps the religious aspects…no idea.

Lots of schools have music business. If you can afford it, NYU is a great choice. If you are undecided about the artistry focus versus business, I personally think you can pick up on the business end in other ways, by taking courses, interning, volunteering, and working.

It sounds like you are not a good fit for a BM degree environment since you may switch paths and study something else. Have you looked at Northeastern?

My Internet keeps quitting so sending what I can…

ps another example Music Business Degree Program, Major | Chicago, Illinois (

From the large number of students I know who have changed their intended majors during college, I’d say this is a pretty important consideration, whether you choose nyu or another school that gives you good options.