<p>Which university has the best music business program? (in the US and the UK)
Ive looked up Belmont University, Full Sail, University of Westminster, City University London,and Buckhinghamshire New University. Any feedback as to how these schools are ranked/or anything about their reputation for their music business programs?</p>
<p>oh and also, would it better to take up a music business degree in london or in the US?</p>
<p>Berklee College of Music in Boston.</p>
<p>Drexel University in Philadelphia and Northeastern Univ. in Boston</p>
<p>check out Full Sail … [Music</a> Business School at Full Sail](<a href=“http://www.fullsail.com/music-business/overview.html]Music”>http://www.fullsail.com/music-business/overview.html)</p>
<p>You’ll get some specific info in cc’s music major forum. A recent thread is here <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/583839-music-business-universities.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-search-selection/583839-music-business-universities.html</a> and there are links within to other threads as well.</p>
<p>There are a number of variants among the programs, with concentrations in promotion, management, administration and operations, production and technology. Note that some programs may even be auditioned based, and be competitive from that aspect alone.</p>
<p>There are also degree variations culminating in Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, and an occasional Bachelor of Science in programs with heavy technology/recording/acoustic engineering. Be sure to look into at the variants within and between schools and their respective offerings.</p>