Music Engineering Tech and Sports Administration

<p>Would it be possible for me to double major in Music Engineering Technology and Sports Administration? And if thats possible, would I even be able to triple major if I do the double with Music Engineering Technology and Computer Science? Would it require me taking summer courses (at the U or at a CC)? Sorry for all the questions, but they both sound interesting to me, and I want to know if I could actually make this work and still have a social life too.</p>


<p>Anybody? Please?</p>

<p>While I’m not in the MuE program (Music Engineering), I’m in the audio engineering program through the college of engineering. Here is my suggestion. </p>

<p>Taking a specific major such as the MuE program has its pros and cons. On the pro side, you learn a lot and will definitely have job offers and/or a job out of college, many starting at 60+ a yr. The con is that it is a verrry intense program. I’m not sure of the specific amt of credits you take (mine is 133 or something, the average is 120 for a degree, this means about 4 extra required courses), but I know that they are just as intense as we are. </p>

<p>In addition to taking the engineering classes, you also have to take the music classes. While these are only one credit, ensembles take time and you do HAVE to practice. </p>

<p>What this means is that you won’t have a lot of freedom to pick your electives, let alone extra classes for a double major. </p>

<p>One thing the MuE program does offer you though is a minor in either electrical engineering or computer engineering (possibly computer science, not sure). Either way, this is required of all MuEs and you will have to choose your specific discipline. </p>

<p>If you have any other questions about the MuE program, let me know. I’ll answer as best I can or get you in touch with a current MuE.</p>