Music Merit Awards: Class of 2024

After conferring with a number of parents, we are going to give this a try. The purpose is 1. to help families set expectations more realistically in terms of what is possible from each school, and 2. to help with negotiations after the offers come in.

We will post two types of information: 1. Anything publicly available on the school’s website, and 2. anonymous, anecdotal award information listed by school. Please PM me with the latter and I will list it under each school.

Here is an initial list of schools where I have some information (please help me add more!):

Tuition: $46,000
with room, board and extras: $74,000
Approximately 40 percent of admitted students get merit awards. The average award is $23,000.

Tuition: $57,000
with Room, Board & Extras: $75,000
Nearly 100 percent of undergraduates get awards. There is a comprehensive chart outlining the type and level of award they offer. The average is $30,000 per year for all four years.

JHU Peabody
Tuition: $53,000
With extras: $76,000
90 percent of students receive some level of scholarships, which are “merit-based/need informed.”

Love this!

Just PM’d you! Thank you for doing this!!!

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Excellent! Thank you for creating this thread

Thanks for the PM’s, keep 'em coming! I will put an asterisk next to new information. Note that these are music scholarships only and do not include other academic awards or loans of any kind.

Tuition: $34,000
Total COA: $46,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Berklee/BoCo at Berklee
Tuition: $46,000
with room, board and extras: $74,000
Approximately 40 percent of admitted students get merit awards. The average award is $23,000.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*Brooklyn College Conservatory
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $40,000
Total COA: $51,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$50,000 (presidential scholar)

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $75,000
Nearly 100 percent of undergraduates get awards. There is a comprehensive chart outlining the type and level of award they offer. The average is $30,000 per year for all four years.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

JHU Peabody
Tuition: $53,000
With extras: $76,000
90 percent of students receive some level of scholarships, which are “merit-based/need informed.”

Tuition: $48,000
Total COA: $60,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $51,000
Total COA: $72,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $77,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*Queens College/Copeland SOM
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*U. of Michigan SMTD
Out of state: $51,000/$66,000
In-state: $16,000/$31,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$24,000 (OOS)
$20,000 (OOS)

P.S. All awards are per year for four years. They are music merit only, although some schools (noted where possible) are “need informed” so we can’t really break out the numbers. The Eastman link shows what this means in detail. Thanks.

Next round of updates! Asterisk indicates new information. Note that these are music scholarships only and do not include other academic awards or loans of any kind. All are for four years (two if MM).

Tuition: $34,000
Total COA: $46,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Berklee/BoCo at Berklee
Tuition: $46,000
with room, board and extras: $74,000
Approximately 40 percent of admitted students get merit awards. The average award is $23,000.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Brooklyn College Conservatory
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $40,000
Total COA: $51,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$50,000 (presidential scholar)

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $75,000
Nearly 100 percent of undergraduates get awards. There is a comprehensive chart outlining the type and level of award they offer. The average is $30,000 per year for all four years.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

JHU Peabody
Tuition: $53,000
With extras: $76,000
90 percent of students receive some level of scholarships, which are “merit-based/need informed.”

Tuition: $48,000
Total COA: $60,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*Loyola New Orleans
Tuition: $42,028
COA: $60,384
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $51,000
Total COA: $72,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*The New School/Mannes
Undergrad tuition: $50,640
COA: $75,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
Grad tuition: $46,000
COA: (flexible, approximately $70,000)
Class of 2022 MM awards:

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $77,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Queens College/Copeland SOM
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*SUNY Purchase
Tuition: $7,070 / $16,980
COA: $28,231 / $38,141
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*Temple University/Boyer
OOS Tuition: $33,032
OOS COA: $53,294
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

U. of Michigan SMTD
Out of state: $51,000/$66,000
In-state: $16,000/$31,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$24,000 (OOS)
$20,000 (OOS)

*University of North Texas
Tuition: $8,404 IS / $21,064 OOS
COA: $25,680 / $39,318
Scholarship Offered: $5,000 ($1,000 or over confers in-state tuition)

Latest and greatest – thank you for sharing so generously. Please keep those PMs coming. Analytics show us that many people are looking at this list, so please contribute if you can.

Asterisk indicates new information. Note that these are music scholarships only and do not include other academic awards or loans of any kind. All are renewable for four years (two if MM) so the total amount is 4x what you see here. Also: get a load of that Northwestern award! Biggest I’ve seen, from a school that is notoriously cheesy with UG scholarships. Party on, class of 2024!

Tuition: $34,000
Total COA: $46,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Berklee/BoCo at Berklee
Tuition: $46,000
with room, board and extras: $74,000
Approximately 40 percent of admitted students get merit awards. The average award is $23,000.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Brooklyn College Conservatory
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $40,000
Total COA: $51,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$50,000 (presidential scholar)

Tuition: $52,000
Total COA: $66,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $48,000
Total COA: $65,000
Note: All music majors get 50% off tuition and a $4,000 housing credit, which are included below.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $75,000
Nearly 100 percent of undergraduates get awards. There is a comprehensive chart outlining the type and level of award they offer. The average is $30,000 per year for all four years.
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*Ithaca College
Tuition: $47,000
Total COA: $66,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

JHU Peabody
Tuition: $53,000
With extras: $76,000
90 percent of students receive some level of scholarships, which are “merit-based/need informed.”

Tuition: $48,000
Total COA: $60,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Loyola New Orleans
Tuition: $42,028
COA: $60,384
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $51,000
Total COA: $72,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

The New School/Mannes
Undergrad tuition: $50,640
COA: $75,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
Grad tuition: $46,000
COA: (flexible, approximately $70,000)
Class of 2022 MM awards:

*Northwestern (Bienen)
Tuition (three quarters): $56,000
Total COA: $78,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Tuition: $57,000
Total COA: $77,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*Penn State
Tuition: $18,000 IS/$35,000 OOS
Total COA: $35,000 IS/$52,000 OOS (approximate)
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

*Pepperdine (Seaver)
Tuition: $55,000
Total COA: $75,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Queens College/Copeland SOM
Tuition: $6,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

SUNY Purchase
Tuition: $7,070 / $16,980
COA: $28,231 / $38,141
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

Temple University/Boyer
OOS Tuition: $33,032
OOS COA: $53,294
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):

U. of Michigan SMTD
Out of state: $51,000/$66,000
In-state: $16,000/$31,000
Class of 2024 awards (anecdotal):
$24,000 (OOS)
$20,000 (OOS)

University of North Texas
Tuition: $8,404 IS / $21,064 OOS
COA: $25,680 / $39,318
Scholarship Offered: $5,000 ($1,000 or over confers in-state tuition)

Public Service Announcement ?

As @akapiratequeen mentioned in #4 of this string, the amount of merit/talent scholarship offered at some schools is “need-informed.” I wanted to offer some additional context, especially for families planning for next year.

There are many factors that can influence a given award outcome: Tuition, COA, FAFSA, CSS, Talent, GPA/Test Scores, Need for that instrument/voice type, URM, School “meets need”, Endowment, Instrument specific funds. (Factors considered and how they are weighted will vary by school.)

A music school likely ranks/groups students for talent/potential and there is likely a separate process that may rank students based on other factors with the resulting award based on a combination of factors.

So what we can compile here is a range of award outcomes. Good information, for sure - but we can’t know what factors were considered in the award amount.

Let’s celebrate these wonderful outcomes, indeed!!!

:heart: Heartfelt thanks for taking this on and being such a positive presence on this forum @akapiratequeen! :heart:


Back at you, wonderful @buoyant! Your observations are 100 percent on the (ahem) money. The value here is not to compare your awards with others (comparisons, as we know, are odious) but to be aware of the full range of possible awards. As mentioned, the Eastman site does a great job of breaking out categories and describing how decisions are made. Congratulations to all!

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I’ll add a note for future parents: a good target for these selective music schools is in-state tuition plus R&B plus 5K to 10K more. So if your in-state cost is around $25,000, you should consider $30,000 to $35,000 per year as a target. This does NOT consider need. Need may bring it down for you (or not…some schools seem unmoved by need).

Of course, there are bigger and smaller awards. If you audition for a good handful of schools, you hopefully will get one or two to come in that target range (or more - it’s funny how sometimes the end COA all start looking similar!). After some back and forth, you may get it down to in-state. Of course, you could be the lucky one that gets a really sweet deal. High academics can be a factor at many schools in producing a big award or even the elusive full tuition.

So…my comment is: Hope for the best (a really great deal) but plan for the mid-range (in-state plus a few thousand more).

I think that this list is great bc it does give some insight into a few schools that could hold your costs down if accepted. NTU is always in that category. Looking at your in-state music program just in case is not a bad idea. Be aware that some schools give a wide range of scholarships (like IU, Michigan, USC). This list shows some nice scholarships from schools…but not everyone shares their smaller awards. Sometimes smaller awards are not based on talent but departmental need. So it’s always tough to tell exactly what you will get. Still with a “well thought-out list” which includes a few schools that always give scholarships (NTU, LACs like Lawrence, Oberlin) you have a shot for an affordable school. Just note that stand-alone conservatories and some of the big Us can be more unpredictable imho. They should certainly be on your list…but you just want some “balance” if money matters.

Two other notes:

I’m glad to see one $0 on the list! That’s important information. Thx to the brave soul who shared that!!

Some schools will give 90% of students scholarships. Those amounts can be $2000 to $4000 for a good number with more significant amts for high talent, academics and departmental need. When you see 90%, don’t assume those are ALL large scholarships.

I hope this is helpful. And yes THANKS @akapiratequeen for being generous with your time and knowledge!


@bridgenail This is great insight! I never even realized the “state school plus 5-10k” calculus, although many of my S’s awards fell into that category. Fascinating.

Also, re: Berklee, I found it interesting that only about 40 percent of their applicants get ANY awards. That’s from their website – not anecdotal. Something to keep in mind when you are putting the list together.

One thing we learned through this is for MM, FAFSA assumes students to be independent. As such, pretty much all students are financial equals, and thus the awards at the MM level are based on talent/merit.


Wow, @bridgenail , this is so helpful and makes me feel better re: such a huge investment! S’s award does fall in this category, but nonetheless, a hard pill to swallow given the extra monies that state school is offering which significantly lowers final COA.

if your EFC is like 200K, assume 50-55k as CoA for out of state or private schools unless the student is very very good and the school really wants him.

@songbird - for MM, they are ALL needy and there is only so much money…leaving a pack of talented, needy musicians fighting over the same pool of dollars. Not a nice way of putting it…but it’s true to an extent.

I’ve hung around here tooooo long but it is amazing to see the same patterns with the selective schools (and a few surprises, of course).

For us it felt like: They got all my D’s grades etc and all our financials…plus our zip code and information on other programs we have probs footed the bill for. We have one kid with 2 working parents (so no need). They know my kid isn’t going to get a full ride at her in-state school, right? They know that she’ll probs pay in-state tuition there. They know that she’s talented but she’s a young, female vocalist so…potential is still a bit elusive and volume of singers is high…so they don’t need to throw a bunch of dollars at her…just enough to indice us…keep our sincere interest. It was amazing for us to find all programs came within about $8K of each other! It was like they all had a conference about my D…and decided in-state PLUS a premium is good enough. Sure they may throw another $2 - $4K bone in if they get desparate at the end…but maybe not if their numbers start looking good. I mean what were we going to do after a year of “prep”…drop it all and go in-state without the same level music school? They had us over a barrel! They KNOW the going rate for a kid like mine at a selective VP program.

Remember: you are working with “pros” when negotiating. They do it all the time. But if you have other similar offers (like us…so nothing to really hold over them), you can always simply show strong interest, work with the teacher and wait hopefully for your bone.

So that is my OPINION. And it’s not meant to be bad. I feel for UG and grad (which is different game imho) my D got very good deals…in the end…bc she got a great education at a somewhat reasonable cost and came out with no debt…thankfully.

It just wasn’t what I secretly wondered when she was a junior…will she get a full ride bc of her amazing talent!!! The answer was: no…but it was all good in the end. Of course your mileage may vary (particularly for high academics and special talent and yield at the school - surprises can happen).

@Trom2020 - I think that could be correct with some of the higher priced stand-alone conservatories and privates (awards can really vary…they have your finances and zip code so…they may know you want a certain level of school and can afford it). Still I’m sure some LACs and Big Us (and other privates - Miami maybe) would probs come in lower…that’s my opinion.

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@Trom2020 Is this your experience? That is a good data point. Please feel free to share specifics by PM or here on the thread. Note that this is not everyone’s experience, especially where music merit is involved.

@Busy_Momma - You could mention that to his target school. Sure they could ignore it. But I don’t think it would be disingenous to bring it up. It should really be like school/program to like school/program. BUT you have an honest dilemma due to good academics. I think that it would be worth sharing that information with his target school…just in case. At worst they say no in the end…which again would probably be related to “yield”.

is it possible to add for which discipline the scholarship was offered, e.g. which instrument, voice or composition?

@composermom in the service of preserving anonymity most people indicated they would rather not add that information. I am happy to incorporate for those who choose to share.

Ok I just thought it might make the info more relevant - I was looking at last year’s list. Thanks for putting this all together.

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