Music School Rankings

<p>I have been trying to find information as to what music schools are considered the best in the country. I am looking for this info because I am considering going to the Mary Pappert School of Music at Duquesne University and I would like to compare it to other music schools. I can't find any articles, rankings, etc. that would give me this kind of information. Does anyone have any head knowledge, or does anyone know of any websites, that could help me at all???</p>

<p>I don't think you will find any "rankings" per se for music programs. Duquesne has a fine music program. It is particularly strong in music education. The program also has a good music technology program, and music therapy. You can major in performance as well. It is perhaps not as highly regarded as the top conservatories (Curtis, Juilliard, Eastman), but it is a fine program. Many of the applied faculty play with the Pittsburgh Symphony. Pittsburgh is a great small city...lots to do.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info, very helpful.</p>

<p>I do have one more question.. Duquesne does not offer any music programs as minors. My plan to major in biochem and minor in some kind of music (preferably management or technology) will not work at this school. Does it make sense then for me to major in music technology and minor in biochem? I really like Duquesne for both its music and science programs, so I don't know what to do. Will it be too overwhelming? Will I even be able to graduate in 4 years, or would I possibly have to go for 5? And lets say I do in fact do that, and I want to go to medical school or something, somewhere down the line.. will the fact that i only minored in biochem affect my chances of getting in?</p>

<p>How easy is it to double major there? Many schools we're looking at offer a music major as a BA that is not as difficult as a performance major. At some schools it seems almost easier than the music minor that other schools offer.</p>

<p>You do not have to major in science in order to get admitted to medical school if you think that might be your goal. You need to take certain classes to prepare for medical school, but those are pretty doable within any major. Music performance majors have a good track record of getting into medical school. Med schools are often looking for well-rounded students. If you decided you wanted to pursue graduate work in biochem, not majoring in it could present more of a problem.</p>

<p>I thought of possibly double majoring, but one of the counselors I talked to said that apparently they get a certain amount of money from somewhere ( I have no idea, I don't remember) for each student that finishes their degree in 4 years.. they really don't want students that are going to have to be there for 5 of even 6 years. So I don't see that as an option. But if it seems like a not-so-bad idea to major in music tech. and minor in biochem, I think I might do that.. still, I'd love feedback and opinions!</p>

<p>In Pennsylvania, colleges and universities are given $3000 per student that graduates in 4 years. This is legislation by the state in reaction to imput from parents who were concerned that the colleges were offering programs that were 4 years on paper but more than 4 years in reality. PA also put a maximun number of credits a school could require for graduation. As far as the double major or minor, talk to a Duquesne music major in any of the fields (ed, performance, tech, therapy) and ask them how much time they have available after doing their music coursework, ensembles and applied practice. Music is a rigorous program at any reputable school. You could probably get the best imput from the students currently in the programs.</p>