Musical theatre and dance concentration

Can anyone give any feedback on the MT and dance concentration at CNU? My D has been accepted and has gotten into audition programs but none that have MT,
College spirit and a nice campus. Do you feel like the MT program has good training despite being a non audition program?

Hi frisbee3! My daughter is in Tech and Design not MT, but I wanted to mention two things. CNU is certified by the National Association of Schools of Theatre. Secondly, they don’t require an audition to get into the program, but if you look at the coursework, at the end of the first semester, they evaluate whether they can continue as a MT major. I don’t know how challenging that is, but to me it almost sounded like they wanted to work with them a bit before judging whether they made the program - which to me seems more fair than judging it on one audition. Perhaps look at the faculty bios and also what kind of musicals they do, and what their grads are doing - maybe that will help your daughter know whether CNU is what she wants. Also, I was very impressed by their summer camps - they have a vocal one that looks outstanding! My dd is thrilled to be going there in the fall!