Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

<p>i'm a musician-cellist. going through the college audition process right now.</p>

<p>Hi! First post. :)</p>

<p>Sophomore vocal performance major at Illinois Wesleyan University and loving every minute of it. Originally considered double major (BA) with Hispanic Studies, but decided to go performance route and kept the Spanish minor. I'm a mezzo-soprano, a member of Collegiate Choir, and trying out for the opera this semester. </p>

<p>Oh, and I'm foglikely's DD.</p>

<p>Son is applying to colleges for Classical Voice. Since he was already admitted into his "safety" school, he is only applying to 3 top schools. He is looking for top voice programs at a college with good academics. He plans on double majoring (or dual degree). He placed top 10 at Classical Singer in 2008, and has qualified for 2nd round in 2009. Financial aid will be a major deciding factor. Is there a thread where people post merit aid received?</p>

<p>Daughter is in her 2nd year at Lawrence (Appleton, WI). She is double majoring in the college (vs. dual degree college/conservatory) in Theater and Voice. Pretty much the same curriculum, but a few more classes for the dual degree. But, she can get out in 4 years vs. 5.</p>

<p>Enough lurking ... sure wish I'd found CC about two years ago.</p>

<p>DS is high school senior applying to study jazz guitar at the following:

<p>He thinks he might like to teach or work as a music therapist and gig on the side. He's already auditioned at Berklee (he applied EA) and Towson. Would love to hear from anyone who has direct info on any of these schools, either about the jazz guitar program or general quality of life. </p>

<p>DD is an eighth grader applying to our county arts magnet for vocal music. Her audition is tomorrow!</p>

<p>DH and I aren't musicians (okay, I sang in high school musicals and have been known to ring handbells) but we love music of all types. We believe the genes skipped a generation - three of four grandparents had some measure of training and have enjoyed it as a hobby during their lives.</p>

<p>Welcome Zappamoom--always ice to see more jazz folks around here! Sounds like you'll then join the voice parents! Good luck to your son in his auditions!</p>

<p>Zappa Mom,</p>

<p>I can answer any questions that you have about Hartt. You will find a video on You Tube about general campus life as an accepted University of Hartford student. Our jazz students really benefit from the intimate experience and going out on gigs with our faculty, and getting steady paid gigs through Hartt's gig line. One of the jazz master classes this year is with Hank Jones!</p>

<p>Thanks, Hartt Admissions (and everyone else in these Music Major forums).</p>

<p>Zappamom, Welcome to this forum. It DOES have a LOT of great info. I would suggest that you start a thread of your own asking about these programs for jazz guitar. You'll probably get more answers than in this thread which is reall an "introduce musicians and parents" thread (but still gives advice you can see).</p>

<p>My S is a HS junior planning on majoring in percussion performance. He is interested in orchestral and drumline percussion. It is hard to find schools good in both. Has also taken piano for ten years and enjoys classical music.</p>

<p>I graduated from Eastern Illinois U as a music major and taught general music in the public schools.</p>

<p>Hello everyone Buffy here!! and I am new here!! Nice to see you all</p>

<p>Lots of knowledgeable people here. Whatever you need someone will probably have the answer. Glad you could join us!</p>

<p>I'm a high school senior going through the audition process right now. I'm a violinist. One of 4 auditions done. I did my IU audition almost 2 weeks ago. Michigan is in 2 weeks, Northwestern in 3, and University of Puget sound in 4 weeks.</p>

<p>Hi to everyone, I have been "eavesdropping" for a few months but finally chiming in. DD is a sophomore clarinetist, state level musician. We are already looking at colleges and will be visiting Northwestern and Oberlin soon. Would appreciate any clarinet advice that is out there, especially since we are considering changing teachers to get my daughter more seriously ready for the college process. Wondering what anyone's experience on this is. DD had a lesson last summer at camp, with a well known teacher who tried to completely change her embouchure. She did not like his style at all. Current teacher has brought her a long way in only 3 1/2 years, has never trained anyone who has gone into music, but is very supportive.</p>

<p>Would appreciate any advice from especially clarinetists who went through this.</p>

<p>Thanks to all for so much information(especially to BassDad. You have saved me so much time).</p>

<p>CLRN8MOM, welcome. Here are a few links to some past threads addressing teacher selection.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I'll state the obvious, but if your d is currently involved in a youth orchestra, I'd begin by checking recommendations from that angle, through parents, directors, or the top students of the instrument.</p>

<p>Depending on your area, you may have access to any number of sources such as college faculty, community music schools, professional orchestras where you may begin to look for a quality instructor experienced in high level instruction. </p>

<p>Your d's previous experience at the summer program you describe reinforces the need to take sample lessons and get a feel for a new teacher's style, methodology, and direction.</p>

<p>Hello All,</p>

<p>I just wanted to give a little info about myself. I am professor of saxophone at 2 colleges in the northeast and have a private studio of approximately 50 students between the ages of 10 and 25.</p>

<p>I have attended schools in the mid-west and the south as well as in Boston. I have studied with many fantastic instructors.</p>

<p>I just want to be able to help answer questions and offer any guidance to you or your kids in their choosing to be a music major and or choosing schools. These are hard decisions that take time, but often, your gut reaction is your best one.</p>

<p>I hope anything I have to say here is taken simply as a voice of experience.</p>

<p>Violadad, thanks for your suggestions. It also occured to me to contact the clarinet teachers at the universities we are interested in, and asking them who the local teachers are who are sending them successful applicants. This worked well for me as we are in a major city. So now I have a couple of names to work with.</p>

<p>Another question for the group:
Does anyone know much about the music program at DePaul University?</p>

<p>CLRN8MOM, here's two old threads with a bit of DePaul info:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>If you use the "search this forum", there is more info within other threads.</p>

<p>Just a bit of advice: specific questions tend to get lost or unanswered within the "Introduce yourself thread". You might want to start a new thread when asking a specific question (or add to a similar older topical thread).</p>

<p>I'm a high school senior who will be majoring in Organ Performance (BM) next year.</p>

<p>I've been 'reading' for a couple of years now and ask questions occasionally. My D is a HS junior, homeschooled this year and attending a Fine Arts program for voice and theatre. She aspires to attend Eastman or NEC to study opera. A soprano, she participates in NATS, Classical Singer and attended Walnut Hill summer opera program last year. This year, we are applying for Washington National Opera summer program.</p>

<p>My daughter - high school junior - plays double bass, in her seventh year of study, class of 2010. We're in northeastern Ohio. Takes prep through local conservatory; has played in their prep and camerata orchestra, also her high school has an exceptionally good strings program and she plays in symphonic orchestra, chamber orchestra, also pit orchestra and dabbled in some klezmer. Auditioning for COYO in spring. She has been going to the Vance workshops yearly, so has had some fantastic master classes there. Finishing up the last Vance book, playing pieces from Vance's 3rd book, Rabbath's 2nd and 3rd books, and the Zimmerman for orchestral excerpts. Looking at colleges now; probably will go BM with Other Field degree, with film, radio, TV concentration as 'other' - interested in music supervision in media production. We're also way behind the curve for planning summer.... Welcome suggestions on schools and workshops. Just went to Ithaca, loved it! May be a reach, but she kept up & sounded well when she sat fingers crossed and lots more searches.</p>