Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

<p>Wow - this is great. I'm learning so much. Since Bassdad upped the ante, I better amend.</p>

Parent (Mom), S is horn performance major at Juilliard, D is HS senior, violinist, looking to either minor or continue as avocation - not sure where.


<p>Adding: In addition to horn and piano, S2 also composes. S1 plays a mean guitar (and a nice one) and took music history classes in college for the fun of it. All five of us play piano. H plays violin. I was a piano teacher, and probably will return to it, although I am not a degreed musician. I have also, in the past, played clarinet, flute, and organ. There are musical genes throughout our family - including a great uncle of mine who graduated from Juilliard in its early years (voice). My kids didn't have a choice!</p>

<p>I'm the parent of a senior trumpet player at BU, and a non-music major DD who is playing oboe at Santa Clara.</p>

<p>I am the mom of a son who graduated in May from Eastman with a degree in cello performance. He is currently living at home while he decides where he wants to go for grad school and preps for the auditions. Middle son is very unmusical and is a junior at Lewis and Clark. Youngest son is musical - plays viola, piano, and composes, but will not major in it. He is a freshman at Oberlin.</p>

<p>Hubby and I both sang in college choir together. I also played flute and guitar in high school and messed around a bit with piano. Neither of us does much musical these days but hubby sings all the time. Unfortunately he mostly sings ditties from commercials, Christmas carols all year round and old TV themes....)</p>

<p>I'm the mom of a freshman trumpet major at Eastman. Husband and I are not musicians, but we've identified distant relatives who played the accordian and guitar, so I think son inherited his musical talent on a recessive gene. Daughter is a high school junior who was briefly famous as first chair flute in the sixth grade band. She has since retired from music, and is interested in pursuing engineering, architecture, international business, law, or foreign languages, but definitely not chemistry!</p>

<p>DD is a senior in HS and plays violin. She's at Peabody prep and getting ready for auditions. "The List" includes Eastman, Cleveland, Oberlin, Hartt, Mercer, and NYU (anybody else going to the open house auditions in two weeks?). DS is a HS freshman and played trombone, which he dropped this year so he could be in junior ROTC and play football . . DH is an airline pilot, but would trade it all in a heartbeat to be a symphony musician! I just play with numbers (finance & accounting).</p>

<p>My son is senior, double bass, mostly interested in BM program for classical performance wi LA or University but loves many string instruments, jazz too. Middle school D plays clarinet but not going to study music in college. As parents, we have always inspired many types of music in home (singing, playing guitar and piano by ear), but neither of us have formal training. We are learning as we go along (thanks to all of you who are helping greatly with our education too).</p>

<p>OK..I didn't realize I needed to give the music "family tree". DS plays the trumpet and piano. DD plays the oboe and piano. Both sang in a highly regarded children's choir (DS 5 years, DD 7 years). DD, like Weenie's kiddo, continues to study her oboe and play in the orchestra...and she too received a music performance scholarship this quarter. DS will (hopefully) graduate in May and will either enter the real world for a while or attend grad school. Both kids played in the precollege ensembles at the Hartt School (orchestra and wind ensemble). DH was a theater techie but has nothing to do with music (although he has a great ear!!). I was a music major (voice) until I realized I didn't have the drive to succeed as a performer (too whimpy...not my drive). But I still sing in community theater events, and at weddings on occasion.</p>

<p>S and D both juniors in high school (hence user name). S plays trombone, baritone hone, drums, fiddles (pardon the pun) with keyboard/piano and recorder. He is a drum corps geek (DCI Div. III), also loves playing in the jazz band at school and his own trombone quartet. (I've almost convinced them to do the opening movement of Beethoven's Fifth, arranged for trombone choir.) He's considering music ed programs--hopefully at a state school--anywhere near a good Div. I drum corps.</p>

<p>D wants to go into musical theater, so I've posted on that forum a couple times as well. </p>

<p>Full disclosure: You may have seen one of my posts here under the user name BonePop, as I got around to thinking that there might be some occasions where I should focus just on S and not get mixed up in the twin thing.</p>

<p>I should have added that H can carry a tune lustily, but he balked at piano lessons (with one of my voice students) when he found out about the counting part, so we would have to say he is a very untrained musician. He has developed a good sense of things over the years from exposure to the efforts of all the family musicians, and he listens to a broad range of classical music. His observations about the classical singers he hears is usually fairly astute, though sometimes rather colorful.</p>

<p>Junior in high school, contemplating double degree, music for sure. I'm a jazz guitarist primarily, but am also interested in the tenor sax (what I play in concert band a school), as well as the possibility of starting up the banjo and acoustic bass! I also want to get in to some film scoring some time during my life if possible, but performance and maybe music ed is where I' leaning at the moment.</p>

<p>I'm from MA, and I'm just trying to make it through high school before I start to worry about this too early.</p>

<p>Mom, on a roller coaster journey, hence the SN. D1 started playing oboe in the middle of 8th grade, is an Interlochen grad, and now a freshman oboe performance major at NEC. She is studying with the principal oboist of the Boston Symphony and spent last summer at Aspen. D2 is a HS sophomore, loves MT, has played bassoon for about a year and a half. At night, after she falls asleep, I whisper in her ear "I will major in something NORMAL when I go to college!" JK, ;). H is completely unmusical. I took some piano and guitar lessons as a kid, but nothing to compare with Ds. H and I both have cousins who are professional, semi-pro, or amateur musicians.</p>

<p>My son who is third of four kids, all musical, is a junior, cellist in a perf. arts high school, planning to go to conservatory or music school. H is an architect/sculptor. Big sister is a college dance/science major, biggest brother is a college social sciences major who is a music techie and writes great indy rock. Mom (me) plays piano, loves chamber music, and earns a living as a writer. I also have a 2nd cousin who is a conductor in Europe. Thanks for all your input on my queries.</p>

<p>Three kids; D is Italian/Art History major soph at Wesleyan; S is high school senior and is applying to both universities and conservatories for jazz studies/sax performance; D is in middle school. I have a great ear, can pick out any tune on the piano, but very little formal training. H can play the guitar a little. His great-great grandmother studied piano with Clara Schumann, for what that is worth.</p>

<p>Fun thread! DS is beginning college visits as a junior. He would love to attend conservatory to study tuba performance. Any other Tubas out there?
He is quite talented at violin, piano, guitar, bass and has excellent grasp of music theory. But tuba is his passion. We are open for any recommendations as far as outstanding programs. We are going to U KY next week to a tuba-euphonium program with guest Gene Pokorny (principal tuba of Chicago Symphony). Can't wait!</p>

<p>Student. Piano performance. Double degree in JHU/Peabody.</p>

<p>Our D is a senior getting ready to audition on oboe. I played piano and violin for a couple of years when I was young. My husband played jazz saxophone through high school.</p>

<p>S is a senior applying to double major in piano performance and theatre. Older S is a senior history major at Oberlin who plays drums. I come from a musical family, but after childhood piano lessons and high school flute, I realized I do not have the talent or temperament. H is an information systems professor who designs/plays graphics software with live musicians, mostly jazz.</p>

Gene Pokorny did a master class and guest appearance with our high school band several years ago as a birthday (maybe graduation?) tribute to his twin niece and nephew who were members of the band. I took my son, who was in middle school at the time, and remember how nice he was and how well he related to the kids. Hope you and your son enjoy the program!</p>

<p>mommab-how cool! Can't wait till next week :)</p>

<p>I have just been reading through old posts with regards to auditions, summer programs and a variety of other topics. I wonder if all of you seasoned music parents would mind helping me with a timeline for admission to conservatory or university. DS is a junior. Plays multiple instruments but will major in tuba. This music school process seems to be quite different from what I went through with DD last year (she is studying international relations).</p>

<p>Also, I am on an extremely limited budget. Any suggestions on schools known for generous merit aid (for talent, not gpa) would be appreciated.</p>