Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

<p>Hi…my first day on CC. What a wealth of info. My son is a rising HS junior, an excellent jazz sax player but not interested in a performance career. He’s much more interested in being a band director (ES, MS or HS), and in fact already has several private ES/MS students. But his academics are extremely strong (770 SATII World History; probable 1400+ on PSAT based on practices), he has varied interests, and I want him to keep options open throughout college. The double degree at Oberlin sounds great but I don’t think he’s quite liberal/“artsy” enough to want to go there, or to be really happy on such a small campus. His current first choice is NYU. Just wondering if anyone has any other suggestions about places to consider for top-notch music AND academic programs, medium to large campuses. My personal preference is for him to save any education courses for graduate school if he’s still committed to full-time teaching then. Also, would prefer the general northeast region (bounded by Chicago and Virginia). (Oh, my musical background is 8 years of what I now realize was mediocre clarinet playing through 12th grade–my son surpassed me around 7th grade. But I love to sing in the shower. My DH was a terrific HS sax player like DS, and if he’d had the opportunities DS has who knows how far he could have gone.) Thanks!</p>

<p>Welcome to the little community 2comingup…as you can probably figure out from my name my daughter is into vocal…she has gone the conservatory route so I’m afraid my knowledge is lacking in the area you need help in…if you don’t find what you need by searching…you might consider starting a new thread to get more attention. Lots of helpful friendly people here!</p>

<p>You can use the SEARCH feature at the top to check out the entire site, or you can limit your search to specific forums. Don’t hesitate to post since questions always get responses and there is a lot of knowledge to be shared here!</p>


<p>I’ve been reading this forum for a few weeks, finally got an account. Still absorbing the wealth of information here.</p>

<p>My daughter will be a HS freshman in the fall, she’s been playing cello for about 3.5 years, and recently decided that she wants to study music in college, probably as a performance major. I took guitar lessons as a teen, but have not other musical experience, so this is all new to me.</p>

<p>Anyway, thanks for all who have shared their experiences, and thanks in advance to those who will!</p>

<p>Wonderful forum - so much info!</p>

<p>My daughter is a junior trumpet player and drum major who is 100% sure she will have a career in a music field, but hasn’t made up her mind exactly how to pursue her passion.</p>

<p>We’ve taken opportunities to visit representative conservatories, LA, and state U campuses and she’s decided to focus on LA colleges that have music as a major emphasis area, have high-quality trumpet faculty to make performance a credible option, and offer dual-degree or MwOF as an option. An example of what (theoretically at this point) appeals to her would be studying with Frank Campos at Ithaca College and pursuing psychology or sociology as well. She’s strong academically and is currently studying with a U Houston trumpet prof who gives us good feedback on her upside potential, as does her youth orchestra conductor, whose last principal trumpet is headed to Juilliard.</p>

<p>A few more parameters: the whole eastern half of the US is still in play at this point, big-city center urban campuses are not. She’s been mostly classical to this point, but has some interest in jazz/contemporary. Besides Ithaca, we’ve thought of Lawrence and Miami as possibilities so far. I’d love to hear others’ good ideas for us to consider.</p>

<p>Hi everyone!
I have already posted a couple times already but I realized that I never introduced myself. I’m an oboist and I’ll be a junior in high school this year. I’ve been starting to think about colleges more and more especially since I got back from NHSMI - 5 weeks at Northwestern U this summer. I hope to major in music and eventually teach college. Academics are also pretty important to me, so that’s something I will have to figure out soon when it comes to what college I want to go to. With all the information/experience there is here I’m sure this site will be of great help to me. Thanks!</p>

<p>Hi guys, i’m Matthew here from Singapore. Currently 21 years old and i find this forum a great help for my next step in music studies. I plan to major in Piano Performance. I plan to audition to these schools for my music studies.</p>

<li>Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music</li>
<li>Nanyang Academy of Music</li>
<li>USA Schools of Music </li>
<li>University of Melbourne School of Music (passed the audition)</li>

<p>Just waiting for other auditions to finish, do really hope to get into Yong Siew Toh.
Hope to hear from you guys.</p>

<p>Best Regards

<p>Hey, good luck Matthew!</p>

<p>Hi Everyone!
I would like to introduce myself again. I was a music ed. major myself and taught music in the elementary school. My son is considering a major in percussion and has so far looked at Indiana U, Bloomington and Northern Illinois U. They are vastly different. IU is much more prestigious. We were impresssed by the great teachers at IU and NIU both. The campus at NIU isn’t as beautiful as IU but we were given a tour at both and the people were extremely helpful. I think the pressure at IU would be much more than at NIU and it’s much more competitive. If anyone needs some info on either of these schools, just ask.</p>

<p>My son is a freshman percussion major at IU/Jacobs and has just finished his first week. Too early to know what the pressure is like but he LOVES it so far. I think we have communicated before after your son visited IU. Feel free to send me an email and I can keep you posted as to what the program is like.</p>

<p>This is my first post and I really appreciate the input from other parents. My son is a jazz drummer applying to Jazz studies programs. We are in the Los Angeles area. He is applying to Indiana, USC, CSUN, Cal Arts, Eastman and UNT. I am feeling so overwhelmed for him - with the application process, on top the music school applications and the CD that my son must create. I would appreciate any thoughts or words of wisdom from those of you who have been through it! I know these programs are so hard to get into.</p>

<p>Hi Barb! Just was there, did that–I’m sending you a private message!</p>

<p>Hi All,</p>

<p>It has been so long that I felt the need to re-introduce myself. My D is a sophmore, (soprano, vocal performance) at Westminster Choir College, (now part of Westminster College of the Arts at Rider University. This group of incredible parents helped me and my D tremendously when we were trying to navigate waters toward a music major. Feel free to reach out if you like.</p>

<p>Good Luck to All!</p>


<p>I should have stopped here first.</p>

<p>Father of a high school junior trumpet playing son. Practices and performs all kinds of music regularly. We have been told by several people, that should know, that he has a natural gift for improvising so his future is more likely in jazz. He still enjoys playing classical and will look for a program that lets him play classical, opera, modern, pop, gospel, big band, jazz, etc. He is very good academically so that should not limit the programs he considers.</p>

<p>I am here to gather information to help me add to the discussion with his teacher as to which schools my son should consider auditioning. Most likely looking for a university program offering a BM degree either in trumpet performance or jazz. Big enough to have competition for positions and a full orchestra but not so big he might get lost or not work with the professor that is the main reason for going to the school.</p>

<p>New to this…Any suggestions (or threads I couldn’t find) for music programs in Southeast? </p>

<p>Daughter (HS Jr) just solidified that she is wanting to major in music. Leaning towards education with goal of being a high school band director, and considering arts administration. Section leader this year (of 25+) and likes teaching and working with the other students. Also really liked her AP music theory class last year. Loves band but not practicing, wouldn’t consider performance - plays lacrosse, big volunteer, likes her social time. </p>

<p>Plays Bassoon (6yrs), Alto Sax (3 yrs) and played Bari 1 semester at school when they needed one for concert band. Plays around with guitar and piano, but no lessons yet. In magnet program. Good grades, AP classes, etc.</p>

<p>Knows she wants a school close (6 hrs away tops) to home (Atlanta) with a marching band. I’m thinking she’ll have more opportunties to “shine” at a small LAC than at a large state school, but she’s looking primarily at the state schools (UGA, UA, SC) in the area.</p>



[Furman</a> Music](<a href=“]Furman”></p>

<p>Hi Kerbo - I’m also in the Atlanta area. The fact that she wants a marching band will eliminate a lot of smaller schools! The general consensus here on the boards is that music ed majors are often better served by schools in the state where they hope to teach. So that might be something your D wants to consider.</p>

<p>UGA is getting more difficult to get into - both academically and musically, but it seems your D wouldn’t have too much trouble. I will say that UGA band members seems to be among the most loyal people I know!</p>

<p>University of West Georgia is a popular back-up school from folks not getting into UGA. Valdosta is a smaller GA school with a marching band. </p>

<p>Among out of state options, Furman, suggested already, is a smaller school that does have a marching band and a nice music program. Appalachian State University in Boone, NC, is a hidden gem with a nice music school and a marching band. It is a big school that feels small. Both Furman and Appalachian State have gorgeous campuses.</p>

<p>Larger programs include Vanderbilt, UT, Clemson, Alabama, Auburn.</p>

<p>I would second that opinion on App state. Relatively small school with big football and marching band programs and [Hayes</a> School of Music](<a href=“]Hayes”> has top level music facilities. Very good school for music ed and marching band if you do not want to go to the typical huge state program. The drive from Atlanta to Boone may not be very direct or quick, but is not that far as the crow flies.</p>

<p>I’m a senior in high school. I play the trumpet and plan to major in music therapy.</p>

<p>Koshercake, there’s some music therapy resources in the threads here:</p>

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