Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

<p>Hi. This is my very first post to this or any forum. I’ve been reading this site religiously ever since my S decided he wanted to major in vocal performance. It scares me half to death but it is his dream. you all seem to be very supportive here and I know during this process, my son and I will need it. He is a baritone and has finished and sent in all his applications and pre-screening tapes. Now the waiting begins.</p>

<p>Welcome, Alicatz! We wish the best for your son as his journey into his next phase of music education begins.</p>

<p>Welcome, alicatz and good luck to your son. One stressful part is finished, now waiting, then auditions, and more waiting. The important part is to support your son and his aspirations and remember to breathe and enjoy the special moments created by the process.</p>

<p>Hey, guys! I’m counting down the months (7 more to go) before I finish what I’m doing in Washington state and come home. I want to join the National Guard (Army or Airforce-- I can’t decide which yet) upon my return.</p>

<p>After I graduated in '08, I attended Weber State University in Utah for a semester studying Vocal Performance. For religious reasons, I am now in Washington and will not be able to return to school until Fall 2011.</p>

<p>I’m looking to find a school that will help me advance my career in music and computers. Singing is definitely one of my strengths; I’m an okay pianist, but I lack a lot of formal training and my ability is very limited. As far as computers go, I love programming-- I took a few classes back in high school and tinkered with some game design programs. My dream career is to be a solo performer, but I would also like to run a recording studio or write music software.</p>

<p>My dilemma (and my reason for being here on this forum in the first place) is this: For anybody with experience in the music and computer fields, what, based on the above information, would you suggest as a good dual-major program to help me acheive my ambitions? What universities (I’m looking into a public rather than a private college, simply because of the cost) offer the education programs I’ll need to have an edge in the music/computer industry?</p>

<p>Any advice would be helpful. Let me know if I can assist you in any way with your questions/problems.</p>

<p>classical singing?</p>

<p>I’m the mother of a sophomore non-music major daughter, who still has a major choir scholarship, and a HS senior son, starting the audition process for viola performance. I played bass clarinet all through college & grad school, in some good groups. In fact, I was the bass in my teacher’s clarinet quartet for 2 years, despite being an engineering major. My husband is also a musical engineer - choral singing & guitar.</p>

<p>Yesterday S had a good audition at UW Madison. Very friendly, supportive students & faculty, but the ugliest building I can remember seeing. S likes the viola teacher (he’s worked with her at summer camps), but wants a conservatory. Husband is not supportive, since S is taking AP Calculus BC for a fun elective and H believes that music is a waste. We’ll see how combining college auditions with 4 national string quartet competitions works this spring!</p>

<p>Father of a son who is currently a Flute performance, art history double degree freshman at a PA college.</p>

<p>Hi, everyone! </p>

<p>I’m a high school senior who has (happily) finished submitting all apps and pre-screening CDs several weeks ago. I’m pursuing vocal performance and am so glad I found this site - the information and experiences people post have been incredibly helpful. I hope I can return the favors and contribute something useful myself! :)</p>

<p>Welcome Artflutedad and Lsoprano! Always good to have new people at this site. Good luck, Lsoprano; we all wish you the best in your upcoming auditions so that you have many good choices.</p>

<p>Hello everyone,</p>

<p>I’m a home-school student that is looking into the wonderful world of opera and vocal performance for a future career. I have been training for less than a year but have already made much progress and have joined the best choir in the city. :)</p>

<p>I am at such a young age (15, 16 in two months) but I plan to take my GED soon and start college next fall! In the competitive field of music, it shall be a challenge to start my under-grad being two years younger than my peers and having far less vocal training. But I am prepared for the challenge and am excited for what the near future holds!</p>

<p>This is probably not the best thread to get answers from, thats probably why you didn’t get any responses.</p>

<p>But anyhow, I will give a shot at it. I have been researching colleges for my son who wants to be a music major but also would like a “backup” plan in case music opportunites arn’t available after he graduates from college.</p>

<p>There are basically two categories of music degrees, the first being a BA in music, the second being a BS or BM. the programs are very different.</p>

<p>The BS/BM is going to eleminate the possibility of having two majors during a reasonable time span. The BS/BM is EXTREMELY concentrated with very few electives and the vast majority of your classes will be in music. Most BS/BM music programs require more pre-existing musical training that you have and most will require an audition before acceptance into the program. The BS/BM option even eleminates the possibility of a “minor” in a different subject as credit hours devoted to a minor will be consumed by a specialty in music (performance or music education, or composition) I have studied curriculums and quite a few colleges trying to figure out if a dual major in music and another subject makes sense, and it just doesnt. It would take two additional years of undergraduate study to do so, about the same amount of time it would take to earn a masters degree - so if you wanted to have degrees in two different subjects then it would simply make more sense to get a Batchelors degree in one subject and a Masters in another.</p>

<p>A BA in Music will give you a lot more flexability as far as having two majors. It is likely that you could get a BA in music and a BA or BS in a totally different subject with just one extra semester of college. The down side is that a BA in music will likely not make you truely qualified to do much in the music field without also getting a Masters in Music or other degree such as a business or education degree.</p>

<p>This site has been so helpful and I’ve been following it for a year. D is a hs senior and has applied to several conservatories and several university music programs for vocal performance. We are waiting to see where she gets a live audition. She just auditioned at UNC Greensboro and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this program. Thanks!</p>

<p>Hey folks…haven’t popped in for a while. Our daughter just auditioned at Oberlin & is looking at dates for Cincy and CIM. I encouraged her to look at Eastman, but she wanted to stay in state. Oberlin is supposed to reply by 12-22ish, so I’ll hopefully be posting in the “acceptance” thread soon. She sounded fabulous in the practice room, and because she had attended the Oberlin summer camp, she knew the concert hall and all the profs…I’m sure that helped her relax and just sing out. We’ll know shortly!</p>

<p>I’m a pretty new member here, and this is my first post. I’m currently only a hs sophomore and I mainly play viola, but also have 9 years of classical piano training and 5 years of violin training as well. I’m eventually looking to do something with music in my life, whether it be majoring, minoring, or just having fun with it. I’ve already found so many helpful posts on this site, thank you all!</p>

<p>Good morning. This is also my first post. I’m a high school senior and drummer from South Florida studying rudiment and drum set. I play mostly older jazz, funk, blues, R&B, and the likes. I play some classic and newer rock, but not much. Hope to find good information on schools with good music programs that will work for me.</p>

<p>Questo, have you applied to jazz programs yet? There is a lot of information here–good luck!</p>

<p>I haven’t, but I have applied to the University of North and South Florida, who both offer Jazz Studies programs. I’m weighing my options between Jazz and Percussion, and possibly Music Engineering.</p>

<p>I am a high school senior looking to major in music therapy
I am a singer with a mezzo voice and toally doing this whole college and music thing on my own so I am so glad I found this!</p>

<p>Hi there, I am the parent of B, canadian bassoon player, a high school student, grade 10…dreaming about Curtis or Juilliard.<br>
Thank you all for the tremendous info posted over the years; it’s going to take me a while to read/undertstand everything :)</p>

<p>Son is Classical Composition applicant - audition at Oberlin and Hartt coming up soon, waiting on prescreen results from Curtis, Juilliard. Also applied to CalArts regular decision.
Did not pass prescreen at Boston. I am not seeing many composition postings on this thread.</p>