Musicians and Parents - Introduce yourself!

Hi. I still can’t get it.

When I go to the site you suggest, I get:
“Sorry, this video is no longer available.”
Nor can I find another website with the video I can access. Being in China, the
web browsers I can use are limited and failed to find anything.
Could you provide me with an alternative specific website address??
Thanks again for your patience and understanding.

I have been looking into this forum for a while now (amazing source of information) and i think it is time for an introduction.
I have a 8th grader daughter who is dreaming to get a music degree in piano performance. She plays piano as a main instrument and cello at school orchestra.
We are engineering background parents who are quite clueless about music education but totally supportive and willing to learn about it :slight_smile:
In our current phase, we are trying to find good summer camps for next summer (she will be 14 by then). We live in Seattle and not much is available in terms of piano camps.

Thanks for reading the introduction and for your help in advance.

Hi @musicalchessmom! Another Seattle-lite here. Have you looked into SYSO? They do occasionally use pianos in pieces they perform…they have summer camps both in Shoreline and on the east side.

musicalchessmom—— If your daughter can travel to California from Seattle with / without you next summer, there is a piano summer camp at University of the Pacific in Stockton. Airport pick-up / drop-off (Sacramento) can be arranged through the program. My son, a jazz instrumentalist took two summer jazz camps at University of the Pacific in summer before 9th grade (13 y/o) and 10th grade (14 y/o). It was a very organized camp and safe dorm experiences for young students. You can start researching from this site.

Thank you so much @Lendlees and @JeJeJe . I will look into both options.
I think my daughter is ready to travel by herself especially if it can ben arranged for her to be pickep up from the airport. For the audition videos, is it usually suggested to have it done at a recording studio? Or home recording is sufficient?

For UOP summer camp, home recordings should be fine.

Thank you @JeJeJe

@musicalchessmom , it may be a bit far for your D for this coming summer, but check out the New Orleans Piano Institute. My son went this past summer as a rising 10th grader and loved it. The participants ranged from 10 - 20 years old; and while there was some amazing talent, a wide range of experience was represented.

Off topic, but is anyone here from SF? If so, can you recommend a jazz piano and also a jazz percussion teacher? The daughter of a friend recently moved there for work and is looking to take lessons. Thanks and please PM or let me know! (SoMa/Potrero area)


Here is Steve’s website with some videos of performances of contemporary classical music: Your son might find the videos interesting.

here is a different speech

There are several links to the excellent “On the Bridge” speech





another youtube?

Hope something works!!

@musicalchessmom , my friend’s son went to Interlochen and then to Brevard when he was in high school. He had good experiences in both.

Dear bassdadjazz, Lendlees, akapiratequeen, and compmom
Thank you all for your information and advice. It has certainly given me new things to consider. Compmom – I was finally able to download the Schick UCSD video from a new site you provided! Thanks for your patience. Sorry also for my delayed response – hectic times. As I learn more, it seems to me that what is called a percussion major is moving away from the snare drum and jazz drum set. I do not think my son is too comfortable with this, though his exposure to marimba and timpani remains limited (in part by unfortunate chance circumstances rather than by design). I suspect my ignorance about such things Is greater than that of a typical parent of a prospective musician.

My son is still pondering his options and what his aims in college will be. We are definitely interested in a music program connected to a complete university as
opposed to a stand-alone independent music program (I understand that there is
a spectrum in the level of connectiveness in different music conservatories).
I have the idea that percussion programs, which almost always have only a couple true faculty members, are very personality-driven based on the tastes of the professor. How much flexibility depends on his (or her) character.
I have started to compile a listing —
(not sure this is the best thread for such a thing, but I add it anyway)
Bard – marimba: Eric Cha-Beach, Jason Treuting; timpani: Jason-Haaheim (affiliated)
Lawrence – Dane Richeson
North Texas-- Christopher Deane
Oberlin – Michael Rosen
UCSD – Steve Schick
Temple – Phillip O’Banion
Johns Hopkins/Peabody – Nasar Abadey (Jazz)
Eastman - Micheal Buritt
Ithaca College- Gordon Stout
Miami/Frost – marimba: Svet Stoyanov
Again, heavy on marimba it seems to me.
Maybe other drummer parents would like to further fill out this list?
I think perhaps there is too much marimba focus for most of these instructors for my son’s tastes.

It seems to me the jazz component – where it exists – does not delineate who is the drumming instructor from other instruments which has me a little confused. Perhaps some of the jazz parents can supply some names of the jazz drum instructors. Again, thanks to all for your insights and correspondence.
All the best!

@daddrumexpat - Not sure about other schools, but Temple has a large Jazz program as well. Here’s a list of their percussion faculty: I know my kid is looking forward to taking a hand drumming class from Rolando next semester.

Hi Lendlees,

 Thanks for your response.  I have been looking into Temple but I think my son will

have to visit to really see if this is a niche for him. He was at Bard visiting his elder sister earlier this month.
I noticed that must of the instructors were “adjunct” rather than full faculty — this seems to be true at most of the few schools I’ve investigated extensively. It also makes it even harder to determine the interested of the adjunct faculty – which often
have little listing on the school website — and whether or not they remain faculty or
how often they are really present.

My son remains woefully ignorant of the different types of modern drum music out
there and of what can be done in a “percussion major”. Perhaps we could establish
contact between our two sons and yours can tell mine about some of his experiences? (I made a similar request of @WestOfPCH.). Living far away from the
U.S. surrounded by classmates who have no knowledge of U.S. music beyond American Top 40 has somewhat limited his perspective.


@daddrumexpat I don’t have a ton of details, however, a high school friend of my daughters attended NYU for percussion performance. I know he definitely played both marimba and drumset, and played a fair amount of new music while he was there. He graduated a year ago and has not had trouble supporting himself in NYC. I’m not sure of everything he does, but some of it is playing on broadway touring shows and i a band of some sort. He’s touring with a very popular show this fall. He seemed to work very hard at NYU and made some good connections there that are helping him now. I do not know what professor or professors he worked with at NYU.

Also, at Bard - in addition to the Percussion program in the conservatory run by So Percussion which is focused on New Music and orchestra - there is percussion in the college jazz program with percussion taught by Thurman Barker:

@daddrumexpat, the lecture by Schick is really about “new music,” and the repertoire that has developed only recently, particularly solo repertoire but also ensemble work. Yesterday Steve Reich’s classis “Drumming” was played at the Tram Arrival Plaza in LA Last year there was a collaborative performance of John LUther Adams’ Inuksuit, at the border with Mexico There is a lot of cool stuff going on with percussion!

That said, I don’t know much about jazz but jazz percussion, and orchestral percussion, are entirely different from what is going on with the percussion repertoire in contemporary classical aka “new music.”

I thought it would be fun for your son to see (and you) but might not necessarily be the direction he wants, at all, so just want to be clear I was being fun and not trying to guide you in an area I don’t know that much about (other than new music)!

Hi Compmom and Spiritmanager,

Thanks once again for your replies. Compmom, I am quite happy with any information provided to me. True my son (as I could guess once I saw the video)
was not too excited by the Schick video; but, I think it is equally important to know
what is NOT your thing so that you can make choices that make you happy later down the road. (I thought the show was kinda cool, but my views carry minimal weight with my moderately-rebellious teenage son.) Please keep providing material
you come across!! As I’ve said, my background is thin.
Thanks also to Spiritmanager. Somehow, Thurman Barker’s name never came up
before and my son didn’t have a chance to visit him when he went to Bard. I did not
know of him until you pointed him out. I REALLY regret that! Somehow I missed the
webpage. Do you know any more about him? Such as what percentage of his time
he is at Bard?

Thanks again!!!

Long time lurker here with a few posts (a very few) under my belt. Daughter is a junior at Baylor University in the University Scholars program with a concentration in music (viola!) and classics. She’s very happy if anyone wants insight into Baylor. I think it’s one of those hidden gems for music. Son is a high school senior this year (cello!) so here we go again with applications, essays, letters of recommendations, and AUDITIONS! Son also attends Manhattan School of Music Precollege if anyone is curious about that program. We have experience with Brevard, BUTI, Meadowmount, and Aspen summer music programs if we can help anyone there.

Much gratitude to the current and past frequent posters for information, support, and good humor. Your input has been highly valuable. I hope to give as much as I take this year.

Hi everyone. I’ve been lurking on this forum a lot the past few months and it’s probably time I started posting. My daughter is a high school junior looking to major in music performance on the viola.

My daughter has been playing violin since age 5 but last year she asked her orchestra teacher if she could switch to viola. The teacher told her no, but over the summer she begged me to let her at least try viola so we rented one and worked with it with her private teacher. Not only is she enamored of the viola, she also came to me at the beginning of the year and said she wanted to major in music performance in college. This caused quite a commotion in our household. Initially we parents were not both on board with supporting her in this, but thanks in large part to advice and insights from this forum, we have come around. We are at least going to give it a go.

Nice to meet you all!