<p>Hello, everyone! I just took the ACT and I don't think I did very well. The problems and questions were easy but I'm naturally a very slow worker; therefore, I ran out of time on many of the sections. </p>
<p>In fact, I ended up guessing on 10 questions in the reading section, 15 on science, and around 5 on writing. I'm better at Math than the other subjects so I managed to finish Math. But what do you guys think my possible score will be with all these guesses that I've done? I know I can't know for sure but I just want a rough estimate. Thank you!</p>
<p>If it’s that many, I’d say mid 20s, possibly low 20s if your answers weren’t all perfect.</p>
<p>I was pretty confident of the ones that I answered, so if we assume that most of my answers are correct, then do you think it’s possible to get a 30? Because that’s really what I’m really hoping for… :(</p>
<p>If you guessed on over 20 questions, I think a 30 is all but out of the question. Sorry.</p>
<p>Meh, it’s okay. You’re telling the truth and that’s what I want. But I’ve heard that the ACT people grade your test based on other test takers’ tests also. Is that truth or is it just a myth?</p>
<p>From what I’ve read on here, the curve is predetermine (which seems to defeat the purpose of a curve, but oh well).</p>
<p>^ oh wow really
I had no idea</p>
<p>Well, I think a 30 is possible. Given you’ve guessed 30 questions, just by chance you should’ve gotten 8 right. 8+ if you’re lucky, 8- if you’re unlucky. But that aside, if you did well on math and gotten most of your other answers right, 30 is definitely possible :)</p>