My Asian Friend needs help!

<p>I have a friend who is Chinese.
He's very lazy (worse than me)</p>

<p>3.5 UW; 4.05 weighted
SAT: 1320 old (740 M 580 V) 1910 new (retaking)
SAT II's : 800 World. (taking IIC and chem in oct)
AP's: Stat (3 or 4) USH (4 or 5)
Senior year: AP World, Calc, Gov. Hon Physics, Honors Art, Honors Brit Lit.
Rank: 65/500
EC's: Chess club, math team, literary magazine (WOW!)
Job: 350 hrs
Volunteer: 10 hrs (so far)
Kodak Young Leaders award
He thinks he's doomed!!!
Plz tell him he can go somewhere (so he can let me R.I.P)</p>

<p>Well he can obviously go "somewhere," but you're not specifying where exactly. There's great disparity between lets say Yale and a community college.</p>

<p>He has a decent chance at any school below the top 30.</p>

<p>Is there any chance of him getting into BU, Cornell or University of Rochester?</p>

<p>He has a great shot at BU, in fact, he has nearly IDENTICAL stats to me, and I have BU as a match for myself, Rochester is a slight reach unless he can improve his SAT's and Cornell is definitely a reach.</p>

<p>3.5 and he's 15 spots from the top tenth. I so wish I went to that school. I have a 3.8 and I'm worried about getting into the top tenth. If you have a 3.5 at my school you're probably in the middle or bottom of the second tenth.</p>

<p>BU: Slight reach, I may be being nice.
Cornell: Unreachable reach.
U. of Rochester: Slight Reach.</p>

<p>Godfather, if you went to that school, good chance you wouldn't have a 3.8. BU is a reasonable admit, no to Cornell.</p>

<p>Guys, guys. We all know the GPA system is different but so what. I go to a top 10 school in texas, but who cares. Most Colleges look at only the following percentages (rank wise) (NOT HYPS and the "elite schools"):</p>

<p>Top 10%
Top 25%
Top 50%</p>

<p>SO basically, if you are top 11% your bumped all the way down to top 24.5%. Sucks doesnt it. I am pretty sure this is true.</p>

<p>Godfather, BU's 50% average is only a 3.5, and most kids around the country don't have 3.5's mixed with 4.0+ weighted GPA's, so the 3.5 is probably only around 3.75 weighted, he has a good chance at BU, it is no "reach".</p>

<p>our school does the rank by weighted GPA and u get +1 for honors and +2 for AP. Took all honors and AP dat's why he's almost at top 10. He's mad that I have better stats than him. (Oh well) Gotta help a friend out. Plz guys be realistic and not harsh!</p>

<p>Well hey, send him to Rutgers... I know he can get in there lmao.</p>

<p>sometimes reality IS harsh Gkilla.</p>

<p>I need to stop posting for him. I've been tryin to get him to get an account on CC, but he doesn't want to. I can't keep doin this.</p>

<p>Tell him all he has to do is get a 2500 on his SATs :D</p>

<p>very funny!! He would choke me if said that. lol</p>

<p>Yeah he needs to get his own account. You're a really good friend it seems. You care more about his college future than he does lol. I wish my friends were like that.</p>

<p>He has a decent GPA...but his course work load just plain sucks (no offense). He can get into the 2nd-tier schools</p>

<p>match - BU, Roch
reach - Cornell</p>

<p>lots of other possible matches, tho - don't know what he's looking for, but in the east there's Northeastern. he can def. get into public schools in his state, and many outside his state. his stats are nothing to be ashamed of.</p>

<p>would AP art change things?</p>