My boy is going to the US as an International student

Something he’s decided to pursue last minute for fall enrolment so my head is absolutely bursting.

Dealing with “credential evaluations”, “financial affidavits” and a tour of his shortlist colleges which needs to be done very soon.

Any words of wisdom from others that have been in this situation coming from the UK (or anywhere actually) to the US?

Anything helpful on college tours (how long to spend in each area, questions to ask/things to see), scholarship begging and generally getting your head around all this madness would be appreciated.

Thanking you for any replies in advance.

Can you clarify: he was admitted to schools in the US for fall 2023? Some schools need to hear his answer in a week, so is he visiting this coming week?

My only suggestion would be to hang out on campuses separate from the tour and info sessions. Attend some classes. Go to the dining hall, bookstore, library, sit on the green, check out the downtown/area. Some schools offer overnight visits.


All the ones he’s applied for have rolling admissions, he aiming to enrol in late August.
Having asked the admissions departments, they have told him he can visit in June or July before making a decision without a problem (we did panic initially).

Thank you for the suggestions!


I’m confused. Rolling admission applies to applications. But the school year wouldn’t start until next cycle, Fall of ‘24.

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Im sorry, Im probably not using the correct terminology. Anyway, the applications hes made (so far one returned which is successful) are for this Fall 2023.

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So he’s been admitted to one college? And they’re saying he doesn’t need to commit by May 1? It’ll be helpful if you name the college.

I’m also concerned about “scholarship begging”. Does this college offer merit scholarships? Is it affordable?
Remember you’ll need to provide proof of finances for all 4 years to get a student visa.


Hes been offered a place at one of the 5 hes applied to so far. They are all private colleges. They said they like to informed by May 1st but its not a hard and fast rule for international students.

We need to provide proof of resources for the first year. Thats all thats been asked for so far.

Im being sarcastic when I say “begging”, perhaps my London flippancy is being misunderstood.

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That’s fine…but I think you need to know you can pay for all four years of your son’s college education.

Good luck to him. This is going to be sort of a rushed process. He needs to get a student visa to study here also.

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That is incorrect. Visa rules are set by the U.S. government, not by the school.
See this page from the U.S. department of homeland security which clearly states that proof of finances for the entire duration of study is required.


If he wants to study in the US, does he think it might be better to wait and apply for fall 2024? This sounds stressful and even impulsive!

If he only has one acceptance, there is no need to visit to compare schools. He might need to make sure he wants to attend though.

As a parent I would not feel good about paying for this somewhat hurried plan.

Of course but every little helps right? Yep, all being done in a rush. I can see this is mainly a US parents forum, I was hoping to find some comfort from a parent outside the US.

Unfortunately we have to visit them all in order to decide what feels good and what doesn’t. I think that’s normal.

He was offered a big scholarship at a college which unfortunately doesnt have the course he wants anymore but still wanted to recruit him. That was a surprise and so we embarked on this mission to get him placed somewhere better suited and hes very determined.

Im just telling you what information has been required so far.

There are international families and students on College Confidential, but I think that they would also be surprised at the timeline you are suggesting. A student needs to be enrolled in a US college before he or she can apply for a student visa. So enrolling in August won’t work because it gives no time for the visa to get approved as most US colleges start classes in August, with a few starting in early September.


You are right, he needs to decide asap so that he can get the visa application underway. Lets hope it doesn’t take too long!

You can search this site by name of college.
There are some more general threads about touring college, as well.
Some colleges charge a premium for international students. Would not want you to feel rushed.

@em7609 You are correct that tone is often lost in online forums. :slightly_smiling_face:

Also, since your timeline is a year or more later than typical, you’ll have to be a bit patient as posters here try to understand your specific situation. :slightly_smiling_face:

Your son has an ambitious plan and I hope it all works out. I don’t have enough knowledge in this area so I will tag some posters who may have input.

@MYOS1634 @Tigerle @CRHeel94 @Andygp TLDR; OP’s S (UK resident) has applied late in the cycle to (5?) rolling admissions US schools for Fall 2023 admission. He has received one acceptance, waiting on others. He has been told he can delay enrollment until they visit in the summer. Will that allow time to complete the visa process before classes start in Aug/Sept? Posters are concerned with the rushed decision timeline… The OP is seeking comfort and input from other parents outside the US.


Please tell us the names of the colleges he has applied to.

Which college has accepted him? What is the total EFC (full cost to you)?

Typically, scholarship money has been awarded by now. And typically, colleges don’t award much, if any, financial aid to international students.
How much can you afford to pay each year?

Are the colleges your son is looking at for-profit? Anything on this list: List of for-profit universities and colleges - Wikipedia

This is confusing to understand so it would be best if you could give us more information.

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Thank you!

Please understand…there is slow processing of things like visas right now here. And passports and things like that.

Your timeline is not a little rushed…it is VERY rushed. You plan to visit colleges this summer, commit to a school after visiting, and then start the certificate of finances and visa process for a fall 2023 start?

I think this is very very tight.

I guess I have two questions.

  1. Why the very late applications to US schools?
  2. Any UK options?