My boy is going to the US as an International student

Please list the colleges and universities. There are a LOT in the US and they are not all good, or of the same caliber as universities in the UK.

You are extremely late to the application cycle in the US. Typically applications for this coming August 2023 would have been completed in autumn of 2022. Many US students know where they are going in December, certainly almost all do by May 1st since that is the deadline for decisions to be made. To only be applying now sends up red flags to me that these may be low quality schools.


He has applied to colleges which the run the course he wants which are Northwood (accepted), Harrisburg, Shenandoah and 2 in New Jersey (I forgot the names right now).

I have checked that scholarships are still available to him should he be fortunate enough to receive one.
I believe they are all non profit.

Yes he has 4 options in the UK as well.

But scholarships in what amount? These colleges could very well have higher yields this year, leaving not much left for very late applicants.

We are not really concerned about getting into a high caliber college at all. The field hes in, tech and the course itself is much more important.

Perhaps they are low quality but only 11 colleges in the US do this course.

What is this very special major? @blossom and others will tell you that very often there are other majors that can get you to your career goal.

What course of study is only offered at 11 colleges here?

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I have absolutely no idea, it will be up to him to make a case to coaches and if they like him they will probably influence the situation.

If theres no scholarship, we will have a big talk with his Dad and tell him the bad news lol

Ive done that thank you so much!

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Are you saying he is a recruited athlete? Most recruits for fall 2023 committed a long while ago.


An Esports major

Some colleges accept students with rolling admissions through the summer. The May 1st date does not apply here. For example Umass Lowell accepts until August 1st. You can always write directly to the colleges of interest and ask for merit and see what they say. You never know and it is unpredictable. A nice letter to admissions saying you are ready to commit but you are wondering if there are some scholarships etc. Some colleges give a hard no to scholarships for internationals but others don’t state it categorically so you have to probe and ask at the particular place. Some offer scholarships through the departments after first semester but those usually are 2-5K so small and you have to apply for. The visa thing is a chore and need to follow all directions carefully. Good luck!



Ok…plan ahead. What does your son plan to do when he gets he college degree here (should that actually happen)? He will likely be required to return to his home country upon graduation.

For anyone clueless about esports degrees (like me! I thought it was a recruited sport or EC), here is a site with some information.


Fully fledged esports degrees are available at leading universities around the world. In the US, the University of California Irvine, the University of Texas at Arlington, The Ohio State University, the Caldwell University, the George Mason University, the Becker College, the Shenandoah University, the Saint Peter’s University and the Keuka College all offer esports degree programs.

Esports degrees can vary from bachelor’s degrees in esports management to majors in business with an esports minor. Esports university courses are now widely available with a good choice in academic disciplines to focus upon. In October 2019, the University of New Haven revealed the first-ever business of esports course focusing on esports management and beginning in the fall of 2020.

University Esports Programs » Where to Study Esports.

Its entirely up to him what he does after his degree. Im just being a supportive Mum right now and reaching out for all the information and experiences of others I can get.

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Actually, it’s not totally up to him. His student visa WILL end when he graduates. Plan ahead.


Correct. He could get a 1 year work permit (called “optional practical training”) to work in a job closely related to his major. But after that he will be expected to return to the UK unless he finds an employer willing to sponsor a work visa.

I also suggest reading the DHS webpage I linked you in my previous post. It outlines the requirements for a student visa including the need to show finances to cover all costs over 4 years:


A prospective student must have financial evidence showing that they or a sponsor has sufficient funds to cover tuition and living expenses during the period of intended study

It doesn’t matter what the school told you. These visa rules are made by the U.S. government.


None of which is a problem.

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Some athletic recruiting does go late into the spring, even into the summer. Two of my 2023s just committed for their sports, of course they aren’t top recruits, nor are the schools highly rejective.

Some colleges do have esports that recruit and offer related scholarships. It doesn’t sound like that’s what OP is doing, but that does exist, and is growing rapidly.

ETA: Hundreds of colleges accept apps well into the summer as well.


Outside the schools he applied ask him to look at schools that don’t offer the major but offer business certificates and/or similar majors. For example UAkron is a very good school and offers a certificate. Accepts apps until May 1st. He still has a week or so to look around and put a few more apps.


He has been recruited by one college and what you describe is exactly what we are doing.

If it all fails he will go to one of his UK options, no harm done, he can always transfer to the US next year.