My brother is a medical school student

On the CSS profile, there is a question “Is any sibling attending college /university?”
My older brother is age 28, attending Medical school now.
Can I indicate him on the above CSS question?
some say" Yes you can, because that is your parent’s expense to support him" but some say “No you can not because medical school is not college”
which one is correct?
If yes, then my college offer better financial aid for me?
If not, then can I appeal later with this situation after I get accepted?
Could give advice /recommendation for me?
Thank you.

Review the link above.

Short answer: it depends, but grad and professional students are usually excluded

Your brother is most likely an independent student for financial aid purposes. Is he taking any loans out for his medical school costs…or are your parents fully funding medical school? I will say…if your parents are fully funding medical school for a sibling …would you even qualify for need based aid?

Also, the having multiple siblings in college at the same time to reduce family contribution is now gone for FAFSA purposes. No one really knows what the Profile schools will be doing.

he got some merit awards but not whole. he needs to pay about 25% of tuition and housing. I know what FAFSA changes. so just asking about one of the CSS questions this time. Does the meaning of sibling’s College/ university is only undergraduate, not medical /graduate school?

and can I ask one more?
my mom is taking classes at a college for a BSN as a student and healthcare worker. Can I include or exclude her on CSS/circumstances?
if not, can I appeal later after getting accepted into colleges?
Thank you.

Your parent attending college has absolutely no impact on your need based aid. You can include it in the special circumstances area, but I don’t think the colleges will make an exception for you.

Re: your sibling. Are they paying for their 25% using federally funded loans requiring the FAFSA?

thank you, very helpful.

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