I am a junior in high school at the moment.
GPA of 3.75
4 years of Math
4 years of Science
3 years of Spanish
4 years of art
5 years in the same club
Lost of volunteer hours in similar positions
2 year summer internship
What are my chances and what else can I do?
Thanks you so much!!!

Your GPA does not make you competitive for the UC’s when compared to California HS students.
California HS kids have priority.
Students who are OOS (HS diploma is OOS) are admitted for their dollars and high stats.
Since you are OOS, make sure your parents can afford $220K over four years. After several posts, I gather that you are bent on attending a California school as per your previous posts? You may want to look at some of the privates that will admit you based on your stats, but know that your parents may be taking a hit on tuition.
Did you do 4 years of English coursework?
UC GPA? https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/
Test scores? Intended Major?
Can you afford the costs?
Thanks for the advice 
I did take 4 years English
I qualify their A-G requirements
I will ill be taking the new SAT and ACT in June, but my recent PSAT was a 1430.
I will also be taking the SAT Subject Biology and Math 2
My intended major is Neuroscienc or Biomedical Engineering (which I understand are suuuuuper competitive).