I am an international student from China. I really want to get in as an CS major. Plz chance me and I’ll chance back immediately.
[ *] SAT I (breakdown): Didn’t take
[ *] ACT: 31 ©, 36 (M), 25 ®, 30 (E), 34 (S)
[ *] SAT II: didn’t take
[ *] Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
[ *] Rank (percentile if ranking is unavailable): N/A
[ *] AP (place score in parenthesis): school does not offer
[ *] IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
[ *] Senior Year Course Load: Plan to self-learn AP Calculus BC, all Physics Cs, Chemistry, Statistics, and Computer Science
[ *] Major Awards: Merit Student,
Most creative invention award in computer,
the excellent team of physics field research,
bronze medal in Chinese Debate.
[ *] Extracurriculars:
Captain of school football varsity,
VP of school Computer Club,
Activist of Computer innovative design workshop,
leader of environmental protection field research
group leader& voluntary basketball teacher,
Chinese Chess Club, Military Training,
Class president,
co-director of Chinese& foreign drama
Essays: I am sure pretty Goooooooooooood
[ *] Applied for Financial Aid?: No
[ *] Intended Major: Computer Science
[ *] State (if domestic applicant): OOS
[ *] Country (if international applicant):China
[ *] School Type: Public
[ *] Ethnicity (Hispanic Y/N/not reported): No
[ *] Race(s) (AI/AN, Asian, AA, NH/PI, White, not reported):Asian
[ *] Gender: M
By the way, my TOEFL score is 109/120 and I was interviewed by Initialview. I am sure I did very good in the interview. I successfully express my passion and appropriately describe what I got from my extracurriculars
My only concern is that you’re an orm. Your gpa is great and your test scores are in the middle 50% range, but being Asian will make it much harder to get into because of how many qualified asians there are applying. Good luck!
@JonathanChang If you are an international student, its harder. In State gives one the best chances.
thank you. Plz leave me your statistic or thread. I am willing to chance back immediately!!
To be honest, your chance does not look very good. Here are two reasons:
- You are an international, and it seems that you are not from some great great high school in China, so your gpa of 4.0 will not be very “useful” for your application.
- You are applying for CS major, one of the most competitive major at GTech. It will always be harder to get in. My friend, who is also a Chinese, scored 1490 in the SAT, got Math800 Physics800 Chem800 in the SAT II, and with a Toefl score of 113, was DEFERED when he was applying to UIUC’s engineering school.
PS: Your extracurricular activities are good and related to your intended major. I think that will add to your chances. Good luck!
indeed, my test score is kinda low. I strive my best to do it and my high school is actually good. In china, we have High School Entrance Exam. I got 660/710 but I was the lowest score in my class. My high school is the best high school in my state and I am in the best class in my school. I am not in International Class. My curricular is designed to prepare Gaokao, which is very difficult. So, I have not taken any AP courses and I strive my best to get all As in my current subjects. I squeeze any available time to do my extracurriculars and learn TOEFL and ACT. Staying up late is a common thing for me. I work really hard and I really want to get into my dream school
Got it. Sorry for the inappropriate comment I made on your high school. It’s a really good one. And when I said “great great high school”, I meant schools like Nanjing Foreign Language School, which is known even in the US. According to my counselor, universities don’t put too much “faith” in Chinese students’ gpa unless they come from schools like NFLS. It seems that standards for Asians will be higher. Anyway, good luck applying!
I’d say that since your school and GPA are good, you have a decent shot. However, your chances are decreased significantly by the fact that your ACT isn’t spectacular, and you’re an international Asian student.
Chance me?
SAT: 1400 (730 Reading/Writing, 670 Math)
Unweighted GPA: 3.86 (Note: I have a strong increasing trend in my GPA. If it weren’t for freshman year, I’d have a 3.96)
Weighted GPA: ~4.4
Math II:670 (Whoops XD)
USH: 710
13 AP classes taken thus far, taking 5 more right now, meaning a grand total of 18.
Member of robotics club for 2 years
Member of tennis club for 3 years
Math Tutor for 2 years.
I’m applying to Stanford, Berkeley, UCLA, and the University of Washington.
I think University of Washington is a safe school for you unless you apply computer science. And I think your statistics is kinda low for UCB UCLA and Stanford but all of those schools take great care of essays. Extraordinary extracurriculars and essays definitely help you stand out. If your essays and extracurriculars are good, you will have good chance
I have a question. Does Georgia Tech take care about essays and extracurriculars? I mean if my score is kinda low, I can still get in with extraordinary essays. My ECs are the best things in my application profile.
@JonathanChang Of course they consider!
@JonathanChang they have a holistic review process where everything is looked at with importance…on the tour I attended for the school overall, as well as the engineering specific one, they told multiple stories about students with near perfect SAT/ACT scores that didn’t get in because their extracurriculars were lacking. They want “well-rounded” students! They also admit you to the school not specific majors. Some say major choices affect your chances but I’ve heard from different admissions counselors that your major choice isn’t taken into account when deciding to accept/deny 
thank you all for your answer!!! I worried about that because GT said the average ACT is 33 and 96% have AP and I think they really love scores. Thank you for your replies! Relieve now!