My Chance to top college ?

<p>Hi I am a raising senior this fall, my stats are: m780/cr740/w740; math II(C) 780/World His 790/Physics 800; class rank 7/710. 6 APs:5x5 and 1x4.</p>

200 community services
Soccer varsity
President of 1 club
2 members of another 2 clubs
Paid summer intern (8 weeks) at a top national program.</p>

Asian, female</p>


<p>Your chances are excellent. If you write a good essay or two the sky's the limit.</p>

<p>your ECs bore me (except for the paid internship..could be interesting)</p>

your ECs bore me


<p>OUCH. That's not a not a nice thing to say, especially since there's so little info to go on. For all we know, those could be 3 very exciting clubs and high-impact community service. </p>

<p>collegeUSA, IMO you have a great shot at a top college. Keep up the good work. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Hi OP --</p>

<p>SAT & other tests: OK, so you're 1520 SAT. That puts you at the midpoint of Caltech, and above the midpoint of every other school in the U.S. -- next highest is 1490. you get a Check Plus mark for this for being well within the top 1% in the country. Yet, there are another 14,000 college applicants also in the top 1%.</p>

<p>Class rank: Again, top 1-2% gets a check there.</p>

<p>Class Rigor: Again, check there.</p>

<p>so, on the top half of the adcom's list, intelligence and academic accomplishment, you get all checks or check plus.</p>

<p>Now, more people with your stats are rejected by the Top 10 schools than are accepted. Why? not enough spots for all the 14,000 top 1% SAT scorers, and 30,000 top 1-2% ranked students.</p>

<p>So, think bottom half of the page. That's where the adcom writes things that stand out about you. Memorable things.</p>

<p>So the question is, how can you write your essays, and guide the people writing your recos, to highlight the things that make you stand out? What can you write that will make them know you aren't just a "good soldier", but a creative one with true intellectual curiosity? That good things happen wherever you involve yourself? That you really make a difference and will contribute to the world with or without their sheepskin? What will make the adcom say: "wow, what an incredible person (notice I did not say 'incredible student')... she will make a nice addition to the class of 2013. Are you likely to coreograph a student produced musical? Are you likely to contribute to the student newspaper? Would you be a good RA in the dorms? -or- are you going to lock yourself in the stacks and grind away for four years?</p>

<p>Remember... adcoms at the top Unis and LACs read over 50 applications each day for about seven months, of which they can typically recommend 4-8 each day for admission. They get bored. What in your application will get them to go -- wow, that's cool!</p>

<p>Thanks for you suggestions. I'll try to write great essays.</p>

<p>Again thank you all for the OPs. </p>

<p>I am doing intern at NASA and I hope that gives me some help to get in Stanford (Eng.) or Upenn (M&T). I plan to apply</p>

<li>Stanford (Eng.) EA or Upenn (M&T) ED</li>

<p>what would be my chance?</p>