<p>I am junior in high school. So far this is my high school profile. Freshmen year GPA: 89% Sopohmore year GPA: 77% Junior year so far: 77 GPA which I am trying my best to improve.</p>
<p>My extracurriculars look somehting like this:
Writing club(freshmen year)
Film Club
Soccer Club
Track Team
Newspaper Club</p>
<p>I want to apply to:
SUNY Albany
Suny Buffalo(both of them)
Suny Binghampton
Suny Fredonia
Suny Platsburgh
Northeastern University
Bryant University
Seton Hall Univeristy
CUNY Hunter</p>
<p>I know my stats arent to impressive but any opinions?</p>
<p>I think you have good chances at all. </p>
<p>Did you mean Penn State or Upenn? Frankly I wouldn't even waste the money if it is Upenn; take that 60 bucks application fee or whatever and buy yourself something nice.</p>
<p>I mean Penn State. And thanks alot for the reply. And I hope you are right when it comes time next year.</p>
<p>I completely forgot to add Rutgers Brunswick and Tufts.</p>
<p>Rutgers and especially Tufts.. are far reaches. NE might be a reach, others are matches or safeties</p>
<p>Need your SAT score. With a 2400 you can probably get into all of those except Tufts.</p>
<p>My SAT score is not available at the moment but i think i can get it on monday. It is not the real thing though just a practice one. But my PSAT was 139. Not good but I didnt acutally try which i do regret.</p>
<p>I guess i will add my awards:
Academy of American Studies Certificate of Achievement
An honors award from my school
And a 2003 summer program at my school
Teen Ink member award
Do these even matter?</p>
<p>Yes. As will your essay and SAT scores. Definitely study hard and retake them if you have to. Aim for as high as you can go (maybe even 2000+).</p>
<p>I think you can get into all of them.</p>
<p>Oh okay. I have been trying to improve my essay quality. And currently I am taking SAT help classes. I have to take it in may. </p>
<p>And my regents grades have been good so I will probably get an honors diploma for that when I graduate. they are the same as SAT subject test but just not as hard.</p>
<p>my practice SAT came out to be a 1370. I think i can definitly improve it but anyone up for judging one more time?</p>
<p>Good chances at all with a reach at Tufts.</p>
<p>Binghamton (make sure you spell it without the "p" in your application--I almost made the same mistake,) might be more of a match/likely since it has the highest standards out of all the SUNYs.</p>