<p>I feel like I'm not going to get accepted anywhere...
I have a 1940 SAT (CR 670, M 630, W 640) and 30 ACT. 670 chemistry subject test. 640 math 1 subject, 640 biology subject test. I've only taken 2 AP classes, Ap Chemistry were I got a 4 and I'm currently taking AP bio. I'm taking all honors this year but before I've only taken regular classes. I have 3.66 GPA out of 4.0 but I'm ranked 20 out of 40 in my class. I go to a small competitive private school in Puerto Rico. I'm a girl. I play in Varsity Soccer and Indoor Soccer. I'm my schools recycling club secretary. In the NHS. I have about 200 community service hours. I'm applying for biochemistry and through premed,
I applied to BU, BC, Northeastern, Northwestern, Villanova, NYU, Haverford, William & Mary, Wake Forest, University of Miami, and Providence College.
Although I have better Sat and act scores than people with higher gpas and more ap in my class, a lot of them are applying to the same schools and I don't think they'll accept me. Please let me know if they compare between schools and if rank really matters even if it's a really small school.</p>
<p>BU/Haverford/Miami/Northeaster-Lower matches
-Villinova/Wake forest-Matches
-WM/BC- higher matches
-Nyu-low reach
<p>please chance me back
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1589537-chance-me-my-remaining-colleges-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1589537-chance-me-my-remaining-colleges-will-chance-back.html</a></p>
<p>I agree with previous poster but would probably bump them all up one.
lower match = match, match = low reach, etc.</p>