***MY ChanCES at UC'S***????)))

<p>I am a Latino Male, living in Los Angeles,
I attend a private high school in downtown.</p>

<p>I- have a 4.0 GPA, 1850 SATS (kind of low, but the 2nd highest in my school)
-710 Spanish SAT II 640 literature SAT II
-A lot of honors classes, and some AP's
I have tons of EC's
-Varsity Soccer, Captain and leading goal scorer.
-Volunteer at Lawyers office, I also volunteer at many schools
in my nieghborhood, Been doing that since freshman year.
-Community Soccer team, since I was 10.
-National Honor Roll, CSF, Math Club, Outdoors club, Retreat Leader, I have
a bunch of stuff. i'm very involved in my school.
-Crew member and producer of our school's tv show.
-Most Importantly I 've been working for two years now, non stop since the age of 16. I'm the only senior in the top ten who has accomplished this. I mostly got the job because of the financial hardships at home.</p>

<p>My essay really focused on the fact that I want to be a teacher and That I Come from a really rough neighborhood in LOs ANgeles. I really focused on how I've been tutoring and volunteering with kids in rough communities, and how I've been helping out with their academic and personal lives. I really am intent on being a teacher and I feel that my passion is very clearly presented in my essay. The essay was pretty good. I applied as a HIstory major. to all these school's. </p>

<p>Be brutally honest guys what are my chances at these schools.</p>


<p>I think this is how it's gonna go</p>

<p>UCR- accepted
UCI- accepted
UCSB- Accepted
UCLA- Rejected
USC- accepted
LMU- accepted.</p>

<p>DO you guys agree or what do you guys think??</p>

<p>UCLA: Reach
UCR: Safety</p>

<p>what exactly is a reach? what chances are those exactly ,40% maybe?</p>

<p>Maybe, average gpa at UCLA is like 4.25 and average SAT 1330 (Math and Verbal) and each year it gets more and more competitive.</p>

<p>UCLA: Reach
UCR: Safety
USC: Reach</p>

<p>But those are the averages at ucla, so there there are probably a lot of students accepted with higher then the average stats and lower then the average stats. I hope I'm part of the Lower then the average students. Is this correct?</p>

<p>It's a lot harder to be part of the lower than the higher.</p>


<p>UCLA: Reach
UCR: Safe Match</p>

<p>UCR: match
UCI: Match
UCSB: You're in
UCLA- Don't be so quick to think you won't get in. I think you have a shot, but it's still a bit of a reach
USC: Slight reach
LMU: match, i think.</p>